What do we want? High Elves!

Look I dunno what to tell you, if she and everyone else around her seems to agree that she’s a void elf, I’m inclined to believe them.

I agree it’s not an optimal scenario. I’m not sure what other fonts are readily available, perhaps moonwells but I’m not at all convinced we’ve buried the hatchet or that it’s even usable by them. Maybe if they all convert to worshipping Elune? :wink:

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I’ve explained the term twice now, if you don’t want to scroll up for 11 seconds and actually read it, nothing I can do about that. :man_shrugging:


I’ll just drop my previous edit here, as a response.

The scenario you laid out could, somewhat ironically, also pave the way for simply implementing playable High Elves that have underwent their own transformation separately from Void Elves – perhaps like Alamara’s “Storm Elves”, Talendrion’s “Low Elves”, or even the “Arcane Elves” you and I discussed a couple months back.


No, you’ve described your interpretation of it. I’m not saying it’s necessarily wrong, it makes a certain degree of sense. However nowhere in canon is such a divide mentioned. In-game she’s described as a void elf. Full stop.

She’s her own unique thing, in game terms she’s a unicorn. She did not go through the forced near conversion to losing her physical form and becoming an ethereal, she was slowly and carefully guided to where she is now by Locus Walker. She’s not, I agree, a Void Elf - she is their leader but is not one of them.

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Then Blood Elves are Blood elves.
Full Stop.

You realize that Alleria is a void elf without being the same as Umbric and his lot.

Its like calling the thin and regular Kultirans not Kultiran because they arent the fat ones.

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She was guided slowly and carefully into consuming a dark Naaru at which point she was irrevocably changed. She’s not the same as the other void elves, true, but that’s not to say she’s still truly a high elf either. Until Blizzard says anything else I’m sticking with the what’s been consistently described ever since with her as a void elf.

I’ll refer you to the same explanation I referred Guzzle to – and I’ll even provide it this time.


Agreed, she’s a Void Unicorn. :slight_smile:

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Then are the thin and regular Kultirans not Kultirans then?

  1. There’s no way you read all of those in 30 seconds.
  2. They’re all Kul Tirans, but thin people aren’t simultaneously fat, are they?


First of my name and First of my RACE!
Chugs a :beer: begins slamming her axe against her shield!
Render unto me the DANEGELD!
:* more beer: then begins gnawing a :meat_on_bone:: when she’s finished, throws the rest to her :wolf:*

((See posts below; Murg gives the greatest response lol)

I did. Sue me.

But thats not the question: the question is if Alleria is a void elf, no? She doesnt follow the Umbric line of transfornation from their inception…yet has signs of some void transformations in her base form:

For example in her 8.2.5 voice line during the invasion, you can hear that same echo-y reverb that is synonymous with Umbric and the other void elves. Take a close listen, you can definately hear the change from how she spoke in Legion and now in BfA.

That being said, I just want a clear notion on what this character is supposed to be: because it seems like every week if shes a void elf or not changes depending on how it fits the argument.

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My point, and maybe I should have inserted it in an ‘afterthought’, but, according to the ‘antis’ this is all it takes for a new race to be formed.
Silly I know but hey, gotta respect it!

I always kinda read your name as Alfalfaherder. Like you herding a gaggle of alf alfa sproutlings.


I’m pretty sure the question was whether she was a high elf.