What do we want? High Elves!

They have slammed the gavel down on High Elves, for the record.

I’m not sure how plausible it is but based on what they’ve said in regards to population issues with void elves, one can infer with some amount of certainty that it’s not going to take years.

Yeah, but she’s still a void elf. If she says she’s a void elf, it’s kind of silly to then argue “well no she’s not a void elf”. Mag’har are still orcs, even if they’re not the same kind of orcs as the Common Azerothian Garden Orc.

The physical changes wrought on her by the Void mean she’s not truly a high elf. She’s a void elf, she’s just a different kind of void elf.

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What? None of what you said made any sense.

By one side of the coin, you mean – she is culturally and politically a Void Elf, but she is biologically a High Elf.

It’s a peculiar argument for ya’ll to be making, for two reasons:

  1. If it were accurate, it means that Turalyon is a Lightforged Draenei now.
  2. If it were accurate, it would 100% justify giving pale, blonde, blue-eyed options to Void Elves – which runs contrary to what most people against adding High Elves want. :man_shrugging:

Well said, #26.
now go through and ‘like’ all the ‘pro’ posts and I PROMISE to ‘skäl’ you with an entire keg!

waits for it

I already explained this to Disglain, above. She identifies with them, culturally and politically, but that doesn’t mean that she shares their biological reality – it’s no different than Sylvanas calling herself Forsaken, despite being of an entirely different breed of creature than all of her compatriots.


Biologically, no. There isn’t anything that suggests she’s not biologically changed due to her extreme attunement to the void. She hears whispers the same as void elves do, she shifts between states, she’s got similar powers and with that dev statement mentioning void elves are researching new ways to make more void elves, it implies that a void elf isn’t defined by how they became so deeply attuned to the void.

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so ok when its something you approve of, got it.

Not according to the ‘logic’ of your posts on High Elves, they aren’t.

Stopped right there.
Refer up to my rants on ‘race war’.

But she doesn’t have the same biology as high elves either. High elves can’t transform into a void creature if they get a bit bored. Then there’s the question of which form is her true form.

Turyalon is a Lightforged human, yes.

I have nothing against this.

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I’m going to be entirely honest, no idea what you’re on about with the race war stuff so I stopped reading a few posts back.

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So Sylvanas isn’t really a Banshee, as her form is a (High) Elf’s?

Wot. She’s a banshee, and a dead high elf. Those are not mutually exclusive.

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There isn’t anything to suggest she is biologically changed, and until there is we can safely assume she is still biologically a High Elf – which is most probable, in any case, considering biological changes typically manifest anatomically (i.e. their physical bodies change) and she still looks like the quintessential High Elf.

Uh, virtually every Shadow Priest from every racial group in existence does this on a day-to-day basis – it’s hardly evidence of a biological transformation.

  1. The statement could just as easily be understood as being literal, as in looking for ways to literally re-create the circumstance that created them in the first place.
  2. Even if your interpretation were correct, as of this moment, it’s implication alone – not fact.

There’s nothing to suggest that her abilities have changed her biology – and if we’re going to argue that special powers, unique from the rest of your species, justifies someone becoming their own species or race, well, then Anduin and Sylvanas are their own species. :man_shrugging:

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I’m not surprised.
The faction racial divide has always bothered me, about this game. I’ve played it and enjoyed it but also I have lobbied long and constantly for player characters to be given more choices. The Panderan start zone gave me much hope but now it’s just same old same old.
The really odd part is, this game HAS true neutral factions in it; just they’re NPCs, is all.
Character creation and customization has long been debated, with varying degrees of success. I view the High Elf debate as just one more process.

Ok, so here’s a workable rationale from a plot perspective. I’m not saying, at all, that I like it but given our beloved writing team…

Enraged over the “New Peace”, Lor’themar summons his finest minds and determines there is a way to sever all non-Blood Elves from the Sunwell (insert handwaving magical theorem here). Suddenly, High Elves across Azeroth feel the disconnection from their magical font and soon become desperate - as the Nightborne were when they began to use the Nightwell after being cut off by the Dome - for another source of energy.

Some turn to the Void Elves and Aleria for answers, and as their research has finally born fruit; the ranks of the Void Elves are bolstered by High Elves desperate not to return to the days following the tainting of the Sunwell.

Again, not saying it’s good, but not saying it couldn’t happen either.


I mean, if you want to ride on the side of a trade chat meme then have at it.

I’m an Occam’s Razor girl though, that takes so many more hoops to jump through and strange interpretations to make sense than the obvious.

I’ve got to jet for work. Later y’all!

Other than LOr’themar actually having a backbone about something, this is plausible…for Void Elf population rationale’.
What about those High Elves who don’t follow this theme and decide to turn their considerable energies elsewhere?
I also doubt they’ve stayed blindly associated to the Sunwell all this time, given the shattering Arthas gave it, and them.
Azeroth is a magic-filled world; it is conceivable the rebel High Elves found more than one source.

If I’m being honest, I’m perfectly fine with the Blood Elves taking absolute control over something that belongs to them by right – but as far as High Elves adjoining themselves to the Void Elves, I remain unconvinced that many HE’s would willingly turn to the Void when less volatile options are available to them?