What do we want? High Elves!

An actual high elf hero returned…and they made her into a Void Elf.

I’ve played through all of it. Them existing isn’t relevance.

And I see the vicious little trolls have found this thread as well.
Good job on flagging the OP: must’ve been hard work getting all those alts going.
Too bad that others’ desires for this game are so upsetting for you and yours.
Poor little terrified ‘antis’.

No skel
No ale.
No respect.
Just my distain for a pack of utterly predictable trolls.

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To introduce Void elves yes, because otherwise they would have even less lore and story that is already abysmally low.

Then you know what she did as a “Void elf”?

Sat on a boat an entire expansion, much like the Void elves, besides the few odd portals and some flavored necromancy dailies.


Precisely. They wanted to pander to the Alliance to give us a Thalassian model that everyone has been begging for, and instead of taking the obvious route and giving everyone High Elves they gave us Void Elves.

How is that not proof of something to you?


That’s what I thought.

I’m curious how you’ve concluded, then, that Void Elves have more plausible methods of expansion – considering their only method of expansion, that we’re aware of, is to convert (willingly or forcefully) existing Blood Elves or High Elves into Void Elves?

Isn’t… natural procreation a “more plausible” way to expand a group than waiting for another group to naturally procreate, and poaching from their populace?

To be fair, no, they didn’t. She’s a High Elf, with an extreme mastery over the Void.


It’s proof that Blizzard is human and makes mistakes and have been given an avenue to correct it with all the suggestions in the Megathreads.

Try this educational video on for size.

Not if it doesn’t help them get rid of High elves so we stop talking about them :man_shrugging:


I’m not sure I agree.

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I would say no, and I’ve thought quite a bit about this. This is all just conjecture, so take it with a grain of sand.

Void Elves aren’t necessarily even Elves anymore. We do know that they’re fundamentally and physically altered, to what degree we’re unsure. They may not even be able to personally procreate.

Also no. This is a weird interpretation for the sake of being contrary. She is very much a Void Elf, though yes, she’s more powerful than the player characters.

It’s like saying Azshara isn’t a Naga because she’s got more tentacles than the regular Naga and was made differently. She’s still a Naga, by definition.

I think it was a mistake to not give a booty size slider, so I can relate, but I disagree on the topic of High Elves.

I’m shocked, you’re kidding

By definition? Whose?
Those posters who constantly insist that blood elves are really just High elves?
By thier …‘logic’, ALL Naga are just Night Elves with a few fishy bits.

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Blood Elves are High Elves though.

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Here, let me fix it for you…

Naga WERE Night elves.
Night Elves WERE Trolls
Dwarves WERE Earthen.
Humans WERE Vyr’kul.

…and so it goes.
do you want to know more?


Those are all physical changes, blood elves and high elves are only separated by political loyalties.


I’ll be more clear.

She clearly considers herself Ren’dorei, culturally and politically, but she hasn’t been subjected to same circumstances that the playable Void Elves have – in an anatomical sense, she isn’t a Void Elf at all.

I mean, basically anything is possible until Blizzard slams down their gavel on the matter; but if this were the case, it then becomes even more absurd to presume that it would be “more plausible” for Void Elves to expand their population and presence, no?

The difference is that the term Naga refers to a biological species, whereas Ren’dorei seems to be interchangeably used to refer to a biological species (i.e. playable Void Elves) or a cultural/political grouping (i.e. Alleria, presumably the BE’s/HE’s in Telogrus).


This is a ridiculous comparison to make. Those all went under physical changes. Blood Elves quite literally woke up one day and went “I think I’ll go by Blood Elf now.”

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so it’s a race war or nothing, with you?

…and you agree?
Race wars are to be the ONLY legit kind of conflict in this game?

sings Its beginning to look a lot like DIX----EEE!
Skäl y’all

I mean, you’re not wrong, but by either side of the coin she’s a Void Elf. If you’re arguing she’s different from other Void Elves, I agree completely. She’s still a Void Elf.

The same 25 people, over and over again…

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