What do we want? High Elves!

It doesn’t change that they began with a small number, but the fact that they exist and it’s been confirmed by a developer that there is consideration for how few they are and story to create more is forthcoming, it does reinforce the idea that Void Elves are a growing population.

High Elves have only lessened in number since the beginning.

Or maybe you could help her find ways to back up her speculations.

Hmmmmm :thinking:

It’s almost as if… you’re also using past circumstance to base your speculations while implying nothing would be affected when it comes to the playerbase…

…I need to take a shower… shudders

Exactly, if I have to take into account the people that posts in support here (which I know, it’s not a major sample but it’s the only one I have), the majority are as casual as me. That’s exactly what Alliance needs right now, more people that casually plays the game, heh.

But granted, it is a possibility if they got an obscenly OP racials (coughDwarves at the beginning of WoD *cough), but if anything, it would risk things even more.

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Who says they have to be willing?

And are still more numerous than Void elves.

So we are head cannoning. :thinking:


It truly doesn’t matter. Literal population is not and never was the issue. There isn’t a headcount that must be reached before something is viable for being made into a playable race, but I would argue that there is a relevance and growth factor as necessity.

High Elves are the lingering remnants of the past.

No, they said that they’re thinking of ways to add new void elves. You’re the one who added the qualifier that it has to be on willing subjects. If anything that qualification is the headcanon.


I mean, not more than claiming things like, uh, I don’t know… that high elves should be stockier because they’ve spent more time fighting despite the fact that blood elves have been involved in conflicts for much longer. :woman_shrugging:

Would you look at that.

Which High elves have in scores in the history of WoW on the Alliance as compared to Void elves.

Thanks for your opinion.

Adding Void elves, does not equal, “forcing high elves to become void elves” which is the only place you would go to, as usual, the antis are head cannoning ways to get rid of High elves any way they can.

Think of it more as “one relies more on magic and the other has been “cut off” or “used it less” so have learned to be more physical”.


I did, yes.

The fact that Blizzard hasn’t implemented something, doesn’t really have any bearing on whether they will or won’t implement that something in the future. There are certainly some legitimate reasons why Blizzard wouldn’t choose to implement playable High Elves, I just don’t think, “they haven’t done it yet, so they never will” is actually one of them.


It also doesn’t necessarily not equal forcing high elves to become void elves.

I don’t know, I’m not the one making assumptions, fam. :woman_shrugging:

So, basically, headcannon.


I added a bit of emphasis on the part I find curious.

If I understand your intended meaning here, by “growth factor” you mean any given group must possess the means to expand their population in some meaningful way, correct?



More of an observation as to how reliance on physical vs reliance on mental works on a biological body, but go off Fyre.:rofl:


Observation of something that is not canon so… headcanon.
But right, I know it is very… you… to deflect like that

That’s ok. Pets and offers doggy treat

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Are you sure about that?

They are described as being a fraction of a fraction of what they once were, after Arthas’ slaughter and then the rise of the Blood Elves.

They’re described multiple times in lore as “a rare sight”.

They were originally said to be so few that they didn’t amass in any meaningful numbers, which was later removed to allow them to be a single, small military group in a neutral faction city. They have remained the way since.

Ion has outright said, “if you want to play a high elf, go horde”

They had an opportunity to add High Elves with allied races but haven’t chosen to do so.

Are you sure that there is evidence that points to them being a relevant, growing race?

So you’re back to population? When you just said it doesn’t matter?

Are we not talking about story relevance throughout WoW?

In what? The year they’ve implemented the system? After having at least up to Junker gnomes as planned ARs? And only recently saying they’re open to AR suggestions?


Did you just not play endgame WoW Wotlk-legion?


My meaning with that is, there should be plausible ways for them to expand. They shouldn’t be a diminishing few.

I said literal population, as in “there are 6 whole high elf NPCs on this boat what’s with that?”

Pokes and leans in to whisper

And don’t forget tthat there’s no mention that at least a big number of them are still in friendly enough terms with the rest of the blood elves to still visit the Sunwell, they like to act as if those don’t exist anymore even if nothing has been retconned about it so far.

But aight, imma head out because I got work to do.

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