What do we want? High Elves!

… You have no idea how much I hate myself right now for having ran out of likes…

Have one of these instead before you’re labelled a troll for pointing out the contradiction :+1:

It’s obvious there are very few High elves, but there are even less Void elves, if we’re going by in game lore.

Ion said they are a crack squad, which has been stated to be about 15. And as of yet cannot create more Void elves, and why would they want to, what happened to them is a curse, unless Blizzard uproots their entire narrative in game, High elves have no reason to “want” to be Void elves.

At the same time, High elves could easily be reproducing with other High elves or even humans to make half elves.

You can’t pretend Void elves are the only people “reproducing” and not think that High elves could also be doing the same.

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See, this is you trying to portray something we cant prove as fact and that bugs the crap out of me. Where is the quote? The stats from blizz that shows the blood elves got everything “balanced out”? Has blizz acknowledged it anywhere?

Yup. But like I said, the horde arent hurting… And you have no proof that blizz is worried horde players will jump ship to play high elves.

Allied races make the most sense as a system for high elves and allied races didnt come out until the last bit of last expansion.

I’m not. I’m pointing out what seems to be a chink in the armor as it were. Some against have claimed that #s are a factor. You ofc counter with Void Elves. The Against find their own Blue eyed Blood Elves and suddenly the #s appear to matter. I find it a bit of a double standard.

And what makes you think they’re reproducing among themselves and not with the humans?

Right, half elves are an affront to The cause.


Some of you are getting really worked up over nothing.

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Can you prove the opposite, then?

And I mean prove, as in actually prove it, not trying to pass your own speculation as more valid and worthy of merit.

You’re right, my only proof is that we haven’t seen High elves being playable on Alliance since 2004.

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Void Elves reproduce by running fully grown elves through a purple dye machine.

High Elves reproduce traditionally. Hatched from eggs, of course.

Which do you think takes longer?

Researching and making it happen are two very different thing. Making more is like trying to recreate a nuclear explosion just right to create more or however you wanna look at their void encounter.


I said both, but go off Fyre 2.0.

Because we’ve also found High elves with green eyes, it’s at least a mass npc mistake, and at most a flavor aesthetic, why does it have to be a “hint of things to come”, but years of High elf support for the Alliance is “irrelevant” and they’re all going to suddenly join the Blood elves, explain that hypocrisy.

It’s simple, they don’t want us to have high elves and will create whatever narrative they need to make that happen.

Didn’t realize. “Accidentally Void explosion” = Purple dye machine.

We’re head cannon hard today.


This is where I just roll my eyes.

It was an interview where they said this, and the question was directly aimed at the implication that Void Elves are a small population “crack squad”, and how they can be an entire allied race if canonically, they are only a handful in number.

Their response to that question was “void elves are looking into ways to make more”.

Again, this essentially came from God. Why on Earth would they say this if there wasn’t an explanation in the works that they simply haven’t released yet in story?

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Don’t be dull, dear.

You must be running out of accounts, you’re getting creative.

But yes, I did miss that.

And hey, at least half elves have less chances of ruining things both lore-wise and playerbase wise, but as I said… The Cause shakes fist


Your opinion is duly noted.

I suggest you go back to trying to find that evidence you refuse to give Kirela. Cause as of late, it just seems to be you passion yelling, doesn’t it?

No, but I am not the one making claims about the playerbase either so I am not trying to prove anything.

Which doesnt prove anything pertaining to your theory. So… why try to connect the two?

So you are waving away the point that void elves are limited in number and currently have no way to expand their population… because they may discover a way to do so down the road?

If I have a population of wolves in captivity to participate in a breeding program, I dont say “well theres only 8 in there, but see theres actually 500 because they can breed and their number may reach 500 in the next 20 years”.


Because a developer told me that they are working on a way to do that. It’s not an unfounded headcanon like you seem to believe. A developer, not a NPC or an interpretation of dialogue, has said, in response to the question “how can there be so few Void Elves?”, that they are looking into ways to make more.

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The “it will fix Alliance” argument is the one that makes me laugh the hardest.

All of a sudden Alliance players will be more prone to end game because they can play a High Elf? Entire raid teams or even guilds will flock to the blue team cause that many people want to play a High Elf?

Their racial would have to be OP as all get out for that to happen.

There IS no population issue. There IS a participation issue and all High Elves will change for the Alliance is Rp’ers will do the dance of joy.


I already am a high elf.

I mean…

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Until it actually comes to pass, it doesnt affect their population or the fact that they started with such a small number (and lets not forget other races “nearly extinct” etc).

Aaaaand with that Im out for now.

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And who would be the “willing” participants for this “create more” plan? Blood elves who hate the Void because of their Font of Light?

Or High elves who hate Blood elves AND the Void?

Yes they could take all the high elves and make them Void elves, absolutely butchering their story to advance something as trivial as in game population.

Or they couldn’t and could just give High Elves the Nightborne treatment and add them to the game in the future :man_shrugging:

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