What do we want? High Elves!

So let me ask you this… There is no way in the world that he probably hadnt thought about lanesh until you brought him up? Theres no way in the world that character didnt have a story at all before that tweet?

But that’s the crux of their argument.

Devs and Lore: High Elves aren’t an actual race.


Argument ended.


Sorry I’m not following this point. Is the presence of a few blue eyed blood elves supposed to mean anything, besides mistakes in copy pasting them all over the place?

As Blizzard continues to use High elves in the Alliance upwards to legion? :thinking:

Would love to see that interview where they boldly state high elves aren’t an actual race.

Or is it Aedred making things up again to fit his narrative?

studying the void /= to becoming a void elf. If that was hour it worked then why don’t we have void humans, orcs, tauren, dwarves, ect.

For their numbers they were described as a handful. What we see at their initial creation is all the void elves in existence. There is no hidden settlement of void elves. No void elves were created beyond what were there at the special situation that resulted in their transformation. A few dozen is being generous with how many they can possibly have. We don’t need exact numbers given out. All we have to do is look at what is logically possible from a physical standpoint for how many there can be.

I will get you your link later when it is linked to me in discord.

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What information exactly? How can you know if they would or wouldn’t affect the things I’ve mentioned.
This is something I’ve been asking for year (yes, years) and have only seen nothing but pure speculation based on wishful thinking.

But of course, as usual, speculations in favor are valid and logical, and speculations against are invalid and “fearmongering”, but nope, no double standard there, no siree.

And surprise surprise, you follow it with a bunch of, of course, speculations.

…and you follow with apparently forgetting how to use your spacebar… while ignoring that the “realmpop bickering” only shows that despite what you may want to think, population wise, things are balanced.


I mean I have heard so many times about how useless and insignificant high elves are and suddenly this NPC is the dawn of a new day for blood elves getting blue eyes… Its kind of nice to be on the “nah, dont think so” side of it for once.


but this is incorrect. The devs themselves are divided on the issue internally. We have had devs that say they would love high elves added. For evidence you should take a look at the megathreads as they should have been in the OP of them.

So our hundreds of names High elf NPCs are nonsense but a few guard and vendor NPCs with miscolored eyes is apparently the High elf intro scenario into Blood elves.

Okay antis.


HAH called it, didn’t I?

You keep ignoring the fact that a developer has explicitly confirmed void elves are researching ways to make more, thus finally explaining why there are more than ten.

populations may be balanced but the larger issue is the more hardcore players are on horde by an overwhelming amount.

That is an imbalance. Those players that only play the game casually don’t affect this issue. They don’t balance out the scale. If you want hardcore raiding or pvp you will have issue finding that on the alliance. The higher you want to go the harder it will be. I am not talking about Pugs either I am talking about dedicated and organized teams and guilds.

Tell me why he would even bother responding if he had no idea who Lanesh was? Why put in the effort of not only saying he knew who he was, but also imply that he has his own backstory, and tale in-game? He ignores tweets all day, and yet he took the time to respond to my tweet over something you suggest he had no idea about until I brought it up.

And please try to avoid using phrasing like “No way in the world” to try to make you question more-compelling. No, I don’t think he’d lie for absolutely zero reason at all, whereas you’d much prefer that scenario as it’d suit your own personal bias. Loosen up that tin foil dear.


But your fear is also purely speculation? Like how can you sit there and insult me for speculating… When you dont even have a shred of information that supports it? At all. Anywhere.

If there is some information that supports your concern about consequences concerning player population I am all ears.


they didn’t confirm they were researching how to. They said there may be a way in the future to make more. That in no way explicitly states that they are trying to find a way.

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I mean I dont think these NPCs have any effect on High Elves and the alliance, but we are mostly discussing the other side of it.

And now Ive lost track of everthing, so I guess its time to pack it up for now.

well have fun people. Ive got to get back to farming jelly. I’ll be back later.

That is an imbalance that can be easily fixed by players.

If they have interest in getting things done, they will mobalize, they’re not lacking numbers to do so.
And High elves are not sure to solve the issue of content completion imbalance either, but it still could ruin player population balance, which is what truly matters.

Because I’m aware of the fact that the introduction of the model swayed the playerbase into balance. Who’s to say it won’t have the exact same effect, but in this case it would sway things into imbalance considering the current numbers, if the same, unaltered models (and no, tattoos and eye color are not enough to consider them “altered”), are added to the Alliance.

Where is your proof that it won’t affect anything?

Again, I accept mine it’s an speculation, albeit one that has been obviously considered since it’s been over a decade and alliance blood… high elves are still not a thing. Are you willing to accept yours it’s speculation?

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Miscolored, yet confirmed by a lead narrative designer. :thinking:


They literally said they (Void Elves) are working on a way to recreate the circumstances that created void elves.

Do you truly think Blizzard are going to come back and say “Gah, sorry guys, we couldn’t figure it out. No more Void Elves are going to be made.”

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Do numbers only pertain to Void Elves? It would seem hypocritical of you to suggest it wouldnt apply here as well.