What do we want? High Elves!

Yes, please please please please
Blizz you’ll get at least 5 race changes from me if you give us high elves

Again with the personal insults. Which faction is absolutely a factor for some people, faction identity matters to them and you calling them dumb for thinking that way isn’t helpful.

They’ll get even more if you faction change to High Elves.

I mean, there is significance? It confirms that Lanesh the Steelweaver is indeed a blue eyed blood elf, and not the result of some model error. He then even inferred that Lanesh has his own tale he’d like to indulge in-game sometime in the future.

But I mean, I guess if you want to keep that tin foil hat on, by all means, have at it. But I guess I can see why a confirmed blue eyed blood elf would bother you. c:

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dalaran isn’t their only other hub. We are not saying they formed an entirely separate nation as well. They have however over decades, hundreds, and some thousands of years moved to and integrated themselves into human nations and consider them their home over quel’thelas.

Oh. You mean the equivalent of a shed out in the middle of nowhere?

Cause that’s what Quel’danil is.

There’s one High Elf in Stormwind, and zero in Boralus or elsewhere.


I am saying that because it literally doesn’t work in the context of what I was talking about.

I know someone would look at that and say it is a factor but I am speaking in terms of the systems of the game and how they function not in lore terms.

Everyone fully understands what you want. At least, I do.

I believe pure “High Elves” are a dying flavor of elves. The vast majority of them became Blood Elves, and now there are a few that are becoming Void Elves.

People strangely believe that because a small contingent of High Elves in the Silver Covenant exist, or because they have a presence still in the game, that they ought to be playable. I disagree.

They are not the future for Thalassian elves.


Yes it is a factor in this.

I play Horde only and the Blood Elf story is one of my favorites in the game … especially after the heritage armor quest line. I would be personally vexed if they throw that lore out of the window and make High Elves playable.

It’s just as sound an argument against High Elves as saying it’s a faction pride issue or protecting the faction silhouette (which AGAIN the devs say they consider when choosing allied races) as the weak “but they’re in the game” “I want them” " population doesn’t matter."

The anti arguments have way more weight as to why they don’t want them as opposed to the wish-listing the pro’s put out. As I said in a previous post, there’s never been ONE SUGGESTION TO ADD THEM that doesn’t completely tear the lore apart and THAT’S what I’m against as a Horde player, as a Blood Elf main, and as a WoW player who’s tired of lore not mattering.

Making yourself look dumb would be clamoring for a race to be made playable that no one outside of the pocket of people who want them (cause they’re pretty) and with no community, culture, or leader seems to THINK is a viable race to be added as playable to the game.

Out definitions of “dumb” clearly run on different spectrums.


I wouldn’t ever play horde

Uh… you ok there?

You may want to try to dismiss it since it’s convenient, but there’s a reason why both Nightborne and Void elves were altered. They mentioned that they don’t want to blur the faction lines so the side where those humans belong to does matter, and the fact that the “High elves that honor their fallen, now known as Blood elves” are playable, matters.


you think youre the first to try this? americans and english are two distinct groups now, but it took centuries of time and multiple generations to arrive at that point. blood/high elves, a race whose individuals live for millenia, have been separated for maybe 15 years. your comparison does not work

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Shame, I guess you’ll never play High Elves then.

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that is your opinion. Void elves are actually in a worse position because canonically there is at most a few dozen of them and as it stands more can not be created right now.

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Pretty sure you don’t have any say on whether they give us high elves or not, hence I will keep supporting this :kissing_heart:

I am trying to explain this the best I can. It does not matter in the sense I am using the words in that comment. What you are talking about and what I am are separate things.

Incorrect. Devs have stated there is a way to create more, in a direct response to the question “How can there be so few Void Elves?”

this is an outright lie. They said currently there is no way to make more void elves but maybe that will change in the future. Well one major war later and they still have no way to.

Show me the post that says this. You guys keep using it to dispute population.

Show me the blue post or link the article where the numbers of Void Elves were defined … or where no more Void Elves can be created as the Rift is filled with NPC’s that the devs said are there likely studying how to harness the void.

The only canon you can quote for Void Elf numbers is your head canon.


Use your contextual reasoning. It isn’t a long leap to make.

If someone asks them how it can be that Void Elves are an allied race when there is only an explanation for a handful of them, and they respond “they (Void Elves) are looking into ways to create more” are you really going to question the word of a developer?

You do realize they create this world, right? There’s no way for them to lie or be wrong.