What do we want? High Elves!

exactly. They are thalassian.

High elves are high elves. blood elves are blood elves. They are both thalassian elves.

We are asking for high elves. Therefore all of you pick one term and stick with it. Blood elves are not both high elves and thalassian elves. Sure in the past only quel’dorei existed but that has become too nuance now. Too much divergence to continue to use quel’dorei/high elves as the name of the physical race.

Okay. Now maybe try it with High Elves and the Alliance and maybe we will finally break down the wall a bit.


You mean like this?

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No, because both are human.


Really? How quickly did he tweet me back? He could have tweeted me back in a matter of minutes and he’d still have the chance to google him. This is a contrived question and you know it because you don’t care what the answer is as your expectation is entirely unrealistic.

It’s pretty disappointing that a narrative dev can quite literally come forth and tell you that Lanesh is a character with a backstory and you’ll still sit here refusing to believe it.


Sure, you can have that opinion, but I dearly don’t. It’s akin to asking for fanfiction to be made canon so people can play as a particular outlier story character. They’ve already pandered to the Alliance by adding Void Elves (which, incidentally, was the perfect moment to add High Elves and they chose not to. Actions speak loudly, don’t they?) I’d rather they not do it again.


No, because it truly is my unbiased opinion that the possible consequences of their addition on both player popularity and lore should be taken into account.

Did you just counter your own argument that “The act of changing the name of your race is the birth a new race”? It sounds like you did.

I mean, I know a name based on nothing but honoring the fallen doesn’t make someone a whole new race but… like… you just admitted they are the same.


sure. giving the alliance something they didn’t ask for is pandering to them.

Of course void elves are popular. They have the blood elf model. Most people don’t give a damn about the lore. They don’t matter in this discussion.

We that care about the lore of the game want high elves. Get over it. If you truly think they will never happen you have no reason to stay and argue with us. State your opinion and move on. The act of you staying essentially says you know they are possible and are afraid.

Imagine being afraid about a race being added to the game when said race makes sense.

You were never going to get Blood Elves, but the only difference is eye color.

You’ve had 12 years to get over them going Horde. Sorry the WoW team wanted to do something unique with their elves.

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Most people just wanted a pretty race to play on Alliance, which they got.

I’m not afraid of anything. You’re the only one in this discussion telling people to voice their opinion and then stop talking.

I’m inviting you to talk.


The point was for an established universal term to be used. Everyone keeps saying void elves and blood elves are high elves and in the next comment they will say they are all thalassian elves.

The fact is reality has changed. High elves are no longer the sole type of thalassian elves. Therefore it is no longer practical to call the physical race high elves/quel’dorei. The physical race is now thalassian.

I mean you are the one who submitted that there was some apparent significance with the character because he tweeted and acknowledged him? Doesnt change the fact he may be a filler character that was put in waaaaay late in the game without an ounce of substance.

Narrative dev since 2015*

Side note: this hope bashing thing sure is fun. Now I can see why trolls are addicted to it.

Because you’re arguing political alignments when speaking of race. Americans may have been British citizens but that doesn’t make them not-human anymore.

I hope you do end the debate … cause you’re losing it.


I’ve seen other people claim that adding in High Elves to the Alliance are just filler. Why is your claim any different then theirs? Or rather why can it not be true for the Alliance High Elves?

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Because they are.

But at least Void elves have the “Void modifier” added to them.

So, you did defeat your own argument after all.

Cool… I guess?


And it is my unbiased opinion that all information we have currently supports the opposite.

I have yet to hear about some giant jump from horde to alliance because of void elves, and the same for nightborne and alliance to horde.

Horde dont have the horrible models that they did back then. Heck now you have two kinds of elves now.

Horde arent hurting for players, especially where it counts. If anything, the evidence seems to point at the alliance drowning (and no I am not saying High Elves means hall of fame will suddenly turn around).


and now I wish to reiterate we were never asking for a new “race” to be added to the game. We know full and well that high elves are thalassian elves just like void elves and blood elves. We simply say race because that is how blizzard refers to the system as.

Kul tirans are humans still yet they are considered a different race by the systems of the game. Same with dwarves and dark irons. It is just how it works. Being on different factions isn’t a factor in this so don’t try to bring that up and make yourself look dumb.

No, they are not - but 2 out of 3 isn’t bad :slight_smile:

Non-GMO Thalassian Elves go by two names; High Elf and Blood Elf. Void Elves are the GMO elves of Warcraft - along with the Highborne. Modified genetically from the original stock.


I mean, we’re seperated by several hundred years and developed our own unique culture. We’re also on the same faction.

High Elves meet none of those two criteria. They’re the petulant Quel’dorei who didn’t help the main bulk of their civilization. Instead they skulked around in Dalaran.

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thanks for clipping my comment out of context. For those that don’t know the context it was in regards to others typically antis referring to them that way.