What do we want? High Elves!

Man, at first, I was excited for Nightborne, but as soon as they are available to unlock and play, I was hugely disappointed. They do look quite ugly, they have very little customisations, and the females look like they are bending too far back.

They had two shots. Two different expansions. I guess now that theres a tweet they will get on it though.

Oi vey…

Yeah, which means hes at the top of the list of devs, but they arent my favorite people in the world. Ive watched blizzcon. I know where the devs are at. Like I said, dont try to portray something that isnt there because I am still annoyed he was gone so they kill varian off, and now hes back to voice thrall or however it went down.

Oh my bias? Thats cute considering we are talking about a tweet and Danuser.

Yes but again they changed their beliefs (for one they never had green eyes cause they didnt suck fel magic out),

They Kept the same political allies (aka the alliance and this got them exiled from silvermoon)

They WERE the same. They are not anymore. They haven’t been for a very long time now. To even consider them the same anymore is ridiculous. You know Americans were all once British people right? So obviously British people now = Americans with your logic. Am I doing it right?

So no I’m done with this charade. I have argued these points to death many times before in the megathread and I am not a fan of repeating myself. I’ve made my peace.

High Elves in the Alliance! Now and Forever!


The one universal fact in any of these threads is that Blood Elves are High Elves but not all High Elves are Blood Elves. Arguing anything other than that is pure fantasy and a lie. You can further distinguish them however you like (politcal, eyes, family, beliefs. All valid) but i cannot abide this lie you are trying to perpetuate. Lets keep this fight clean please.


This seems like a strange argument coming from someone pushing the movement that could have happened for the past ten years… Plus, if the tweet caught his attention enough to respond and acknowledge his backstory, he might just take the take to add it in future content.


that also doesnt matter is just their favorite strawman. not all humans are aligned with stormwind. but the vast vast majority are and those splinter groups have no right to represent their races or have any relevance to the story :woman_shrugging:

You haven’t debunked anything because it’s a blatant lore fact.

All Blood Elves are High Elves. Not all High Elves are Blood Elves, though.


I’ll never get the obsession to play a blood elf, but with blue eyes. Here I was thinking some of our Allied Races were slightly uninspired.


I mean this is easy enough to clear up by drawing a simple line then adding timelines to it. Up until a bit after the War they were all High Elves. Kael’thes turned Vader and a portion broke away. All up to that point fel hehe, under the High Elf umbrella before a group of High Elves broke away. So now we have High Elven Blood Elves and High Elven Alliance Elves.

My own musings on this would be that while I do support the addition of high elves, the way even Vereesa in the quests of the last expansion they clearly gave her a Blood Elf face with blue eyes.

This promotes the idea that they aren’t looking to distinguish high elves as a separate race, despite the fan art in the megathread.

An idea that has atleast been entertained by Blizzard is giving a wider skin tone option for Void Elves. I think this is where it would be best to invest your energy into. They already have the eyes.

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What I am saying is that he has no story as far as I can tell. It seems like he was tossed in during MoP randomly and now theyre going to come up with a story? Theres not many NPCs that I have seen that dont have at least something written on gamepedia explaining something about them.

Is he a character in a book? Comic? Short story? Anything?

It’s been like ten years. Which to elves that live hundreds of years is like, a year. The survivors of Quel’thalas purposefully rebranded their colors and sigil out of remembrance.

When people say “if you want the high elf experience, go play a blood elf”, there’s a reason. Because it is the high elf story.


Many characters have only one line, or simply gossip dialogue, but the fact that Danuser readily recognized Lanesh’s name, and even confirmed that he does indeed have a backstory is pretty compelling. The fact that he was added into two different expansions is also pretty telling, as if he were simply an inconsequential one-off character there really was no need to bring him back again. I mean, just look at the commotion ONE high elf seige weapon made despite there being no other reference to High elves besides it.

The fact that he doesn’t have anything now isn’t an argument that he can’t or won’t in the future, that possibility is always open. His tweet just makes the potential of him getting some more attention in the future more likely.


The act of changing the name of your race is the birth a new race.

Think about it. Where do we draw the line where one race becomes another? What makes a race that was one thing yesterday but is now a new race today? Even over the course of thousands of years where is the line drawn and determined that this is the moment they became a new race?

I haven’t pinpointed them really, it was one of those random details I’ve picked on throughout the years, I would need to go around clicking on NPCs, but it seems to even vary sometimes on the same NPC (I might be remebering this wrong, though).

Imo, I like Metzen, few nerds have as much charisma as he does.

Admittedly, I don’t like the guy either, but I have to accept and roll with the fact that he has a self-insert whether I like it or not.

But just as I’m rolling with that, I’ll also accept that Lanesh is not an oversight, because at least I make an attempt to look past my personal bias even if I not always succeed.

Except that, as per current, canon lore, that’s not what happened. Blood elves never sucked fel magic and High elves never had an issue with the ways the rest of the population used to cope with the thrist for magic. They simply didn’t adopt the name because they were not there when the population itself decided to adopt the name Sin’dorei.

Again, the fact that Quel’thalas, officially withdrew from the Alliance after the second war is still canon. And even if you’re using old lore, that’s not what caused the exile, it was the fact that they almost started a civil war over magic veganism.

Stop using real life examples when they don’t work. Again, they’re not nationalities.

Just because you keep repeating you’ve “debunked” something, doesn’t mean you did, specially since canon lore states the facts clearly.


No it isn’t. It’s possibly the birth of a new nation, but you can’t declare you’re a new race in a literal definition. They are still Thalassian elves.

How quickly did he tweet you back? Cause he could have went and googled him.

But I was under the impression that fans were insane for acknowledging the siege engine. Or high elves at all at any time ever? So… I dunno.

You are thinking of ethnicity. Which is regulated by culture. Race has to do with biology. They are both biologically the same and on that same topic Void Elves kinda fall away as they are only related by species now. Assuming that void tentacles and turning into a literal smurf qualifies as a new race.

While I agree, the elves have done it so much they’re like a meme at this point.

So after the Revolutionary War, Americans became a different race than the British?

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