What do we want? High Elves!

Maybe the story is that there always were Blue Eyed Blood Elves. This Dan guy doesn’t admit it was a mistake, He’s implying this guy has more to the story.

I understand that point but this is where I come in and say Void Elves should have never existed. Nobody asked for them or even thought of them. We should have had high elves.

Sorry this took me awhile to type aswell I had to dig for the video and I found a discord link that works to the video of Ion before his infamous comment.

hmm…nvm it wont let me put the link on here. Its basically Ion talking during WoD about sub races and he mentions “brown orcs and high elves”.

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what about it? it just proves they considered it, then when it came time to implement the ARs they came to the same conclusions as the anti position. high elves are already playable as blood elves

I mean hes been there since 2015? 2016? Not really on the same level as the original devs. My personal opinion is mine. Thanks.

Is he questionable? Of course, specially with his self-insert thing.

But I do find funny that you love Metzen when an ambiguous statement from him supports your bias but when Danuser says something that undermines your bias, you don’t like it.

On a side note, I just went to Suramar to take screenies of Lanesh only to remember I can’t post them… I sure have a big brain.

I already wrote a post above this that debunks high elves = blood elves so im not gonna repeat my answer. This has also been debunked 10000 times on the main megathread and by many other people who are also lore junkies like me.

Who said I love metzen? I found his jabs at blood elves amusing. Dont try to portray something that isnt there. Hes a horde fan first in my eyes, so hes not at the top of my list of people. Neither is Ion.

I will go check for myself, thanks.


Well that’s the million dollar question now isn’t it? Is he a High elf who’s repatriated to the Blood elves? Is he a Blood elf who somehow avoided any, and all fel contamination? Did he somehow have his blue eyes returned to him?
According to Danuser Lanesh was adding with a backstory in mind, and it’s something he’d rather us as players experience in-game at some point, so hopefully we’ll learn soon enough, but it opens the possibilities to many different things.

Since zones are scaled down, often times NPCS do just pop out of no where, as these zones cannot accurately reflect the active populations. I believe it’s far more likely that he’s a former High elf simply based off the fact that he has a unique voice actor, and the distinct way he speaks his voice lines seems almost deliberate. That and “blue eyes” in game at the moment is typically the hallmark of a High elf. Realistically it’s very unlikely that absolutely no High elf would consider returning back to Quel’thalas, especially now that the city is thriving, and the Sunwell returned to them.

^Right here.

Yet he is known for playing a human paladin since he posted on twitter when he got his class hall mount… but the main point is that you only like it when soemone supports your bias.

But hey, there’s nothing surprising there :woman_shrugging:


Hey man, nobody on Horde asked for Nightborne, but look at us. In the end, both factions didn’t get anything they wanted.

Here, let me help


There was definitely more hype for nightborne than there were for void elves. My guild did a collective “what the f**k?” on discord when we saw the news about “void elves”

Oh thank you, I don’t know if still managing to post links it’s trouble so I’ll leave it to you <3

How can you debunk something that is a lore fact. They are the same race.


What’s more interesting is his voice, as I’m pretty confident it’s a unique voice actor for a blood elf, as he doesn’t utilize all the blood elf voice lines, and the way he speaks the lines he does use is very calm, and temperate, much like the high elves in dalaran.

No, his voice is one of the two I’ve heard from Blood elves. One is deeper and more stern, while the other it’s more… uh, I guess you could call it “suave”.

Yes and humans and kul’tiran humans and gilnean humans are the same race. Human.

IRL example AGAIN, Americans are the same as Mexicans who are the same as Japanese. I mean come on we are the same race…durrrr

I give up. Some of you antis are just dense on purpose.

And both are on the same side, meaning the same issue doesn’t exist.

Good thing not only this is not real life, but also, “High elf” and “Blood elf” are not nationalities and only one it’s a race, while the other is simply a name used to honor those that died.

EDIT: My english vocabulary still needs work…


Blood Elves ARE High Elves. They’re High Elves who now call themselves Blood Elves. They didn’t change physiologically when they decided to call themselves Blood Elves.

Who’s dense? I’ll assume you’re dense accidentally.


Hehe I found em

they are different flavors of human on the same faction so its fine

high/blood elves are the same people with the same ethnic background and geographic origins. there is no other ethnic group for them like americans, mexicans, and japanese