What do we want? High Elves!

Ok, thanks for clarifying there.

Valeera was one of the major examples of High/Blood elves getting a purple eye glow… she’s a blood elf, meaning she honors the fallen even if she serves the Wrynn.

So yes, they can.


Well just to clarify this matter I actually reached out to the lead narrative designer Steve Danuser about Lanesh the Steelweaver to see if he was indeed aware of Lanesh, and his blue eyes and this was his response.

This confirms that he not only knows who Lanesh the Steelweaver is, but it confirms that he’s also well aware that he has blue eyes. Hopefully we’ll learn more about him in the future though. c;


Eh, “interesting” is subjective. If someone enjoys the classic Alliance identity then Void Elves hurt that. Regarding the High Elf NPCs it’s not so much that they’re portal keppers and more that Blizz chose to use a High Elf instead of a Void Elf

Really? Because of the way you phrase your “facts” I can easily accuse you of Horde bias.

You weren’t even far enough into your Alliance character to have unlocked Void elves to be able to see them walking with High elves in Stormwind, so you believe Blizzard “removed them”.

But nice try I guess.


youre lot also argued against golden eyes for blood elves when liadrin first got golden eyed artwork in hearthstone because fel was permanent. even though in an ask cdev it was said its temporary and just takes a while to wear off and the golden eyes we got this expansion, and the lore for them, proved their eye color is mutable

as the sunwell is a holy/arcane mixture, the lore is there for arcane mages with a strong devotion to the arcane and the same as golden eyes with priests and paladins

also wheres your citation for that purple eye claim ive never seen a purple eyed high/blood elf. if you are referring to the vereesa hs card, i thought it was obvious, shes just channeling an arcane shot

Does she “serve” the Wrynn or is just someone who formed a friendship outside of her faction and let’s that transcend silly faction boundaries?

She’s never come across as someone who “serves” anyone to me.

Valeera have green eyes.

Softsong, please take that down - don’t dox yourself, most certainly not here. At least pull your tweet and edit Steve’s to remove your handle. :slight_smile:

Ah yes, I did see this, and I think I upvoted when I first saw it… I got too trigger happy with the likes this time around, heh.

But this means something. My warrior would look great with those contact lenses :stuck_out_tongue:

Well yes, I feel that the classic Alliance identity it’s as generic as it can be, so of course I see the potential of interesting development there.

And yet one being simply portal keepers, something literally anyone in the Alliance could do, it’s irrelevant, but when it comes to the other, it can be used as proof of their relevancy?

And yet it’s also canon that she absorbed the magic from a Naga trident and got a purple glow for a while.



No I havent seen the “list” before. I asked ages ago and no one had anything to provide.

I see two are related to the purge of dalaran and dont list if they are hostile or friendly with the horde. Are they even seen outside of the purge or what?

The last one, Lanesh, people noted it may have been an error. Cant see his eyes in the only picture provided of him in suramar, just when he is in pandaria or whatever. I guess I will have to check in game.

Well it’s nice to finally have some clarification on the matter, as it always felt like the “model error” argument was the go-to whenever he, or other blue eyed blood elf npcs were brought up.

It also exciting that Lanesh might get some quests in the future that delve further into just how he came about joining the Blood elves. Is he a blood elf who somehow had his blue eyes returned to him? Is he high elf who repatriated to the Blood elves? Both options are equally enticing!

The Frosthand mages are only seen during the purge of Dalaran, but the Sunreaver Captains are seen in both the purge and the Isle of Thunder, and in both instances can have blue eyes.

If you look up at my previous post with the tweets, I asked Steve Danuser if he was aware of Lanesh the Steeelweaver, and why he has blue eyes, and he confirms that he does indeed know who Lanesh is, but would rather go into his backstory in-game.

he forgot rachele who sits in the middle of dalaran in the cafe in legion dalaran

But… looks like an official clarification in the matter is not enough…

On that note, I’ll brb, logging on in game. >.>


Ehh, I don’t really like adding “reference” characters like Rachele, who’s suppose to be a nod to Rachel on friends. But yes, technically she is a blue eyed blood elf. lol

they didnt have to blue eye her. plus we all know shes gotten bug reports from the pro community but remains. even without these the lore for blue eyes is there

I can’t imagine how anyone could argue with a lead narrative designer, but I guess some people simply cannot be convinced.


So where was Lanesh in BC? It sounds like he was tossed out there in MoP because theres no story on gamepedia at all.

If hes a blood elf and the captains are blood elves then how did they not get tainted by the fel?

Also… Danuser. Figures. Definitely not my favorite dev.

because they spent most of their time in dalaran. srs?

yes any dev, especially the lead narrative designer and game director, because you cant cite them are bad right