What do we want? High Elves!

I’m sorry, HOW is it “disproven” when it’s been stated in lore and by the devs? It’s even been stated in an interview that the presence of non-Void elves in the Rift are likely NPC"s there learning to use the void or at least interested in it.

There hasn’t been anything definitely states on how many Void Elves there are or how new ones could be created. Everyone loves to declare fact on that but I’ve read everything and watched every interview on High Elves and Void Elves and there hasn’t been anything said. They’re never once said “there were only ___ # of void elves present in the rift when they changed.”

And even if there WERE, the devs HAVE definitively stated that population DOES matter when it comes to High Elves. They don’t consider them a real race. I’ll say again: they don’t consider them an actual RACE so HOW exactly do you expect to throw it all out the window and suddenly make them playable?

Man. “I want my pretty elf mog” clouds a lot of reality for people.

I don’t disagree that a lot would wanna see High Elves. But you see with companies they really only do something for one of 3 reasons. 1. good pr. 2. Outrage effecting profits and . Pressure. This has been my experience from studying US companies. They really don’t give a single crap about anything other than profits.

And yet they havent gone to join the blood elves after all these years?

Do you have a list? Some names?

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But honestly, do people not see that Blood Elves are High Elves?

And on top of that, do people not see also that the thread was nothing in relation to High Elves in the beginning, but in fact, talking about the Sunwell, how it had a mixture of Arcane and Holy energies.

One thing I see with the Anti and Pro’s is that both sides want these threads open to discussion, but don’t want the other. And then the arguments just keep going backwards and forwards. It is like 2 cats scratching the same post over and over again.

In the end though, I dunno the reason why people do mass flags these threads, I have only flagged one thread, and that was because the thread was more designed for harrasment than an open discussion, considering the OP of the thread kept on calling every Anti “Troll Flaggers”.

But sometimes, also a thread may get flagged because it could be within voilation of the Code of Conduct under as “thread duplication”, considering well, how many threads are there talking about the same thing?

Of course it’s about the model… it’s why almost every single High elfer is willing to completely butcher the high elf lore in every way possible if it means keeping their fair skin and blonde hair. If it were truly about the lore, they would not care if their appearances were suitably changed in order to make them playable.

But that’s hardly EVER the case.


Basically for him, everything that could undermine what he wants translates to “disproven” or “invalid”… even if it’s current, Chronicles canon.


What lore? They have no lore. No community. No culture. No leader.

Their only lore is that they abandoned their people in their time of need to cling to old alliances where even their allies barely trust them.

Story ends there.

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Which is something that High elves could easily give to Activision Blizzard in the form of everything that comes with a new “race”, race changes, preorders, realm transfers, etc.

And it’s easy good PR, giving the already disgruntled Alliance player-base a long requested faction, despite the controversy.

In the face of any “bad” PR they could gain from their Horde players, they make more profit from one choice over another.

But Horde is currently freaking out over a Bee so this would be the perfect chance to sneak High elves in there.


tbf their lore is they assimilated into other cultures. and you can see the lore that a few individuals remained loyal after the high elves left as a people reflected in the 2 NPCs in stormwind and the portal keeper in boralus. what fascinating lore


This is the dumbest thing I’ve seen all week. I dont see why the freak out but then again I’m not a mount collector.

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No. I dont. Look at it in a real life sense. Is an American and a Canadian the same? I mean why wouldn’t they be they are both human and they both speak English.

Political differences, Allegiances, ideologies, Relations, etc…

There is so much difference between the 2. I mean if you are one of those “they look too similar crowd” then there were alot of cool concept art in the original megathread that made them look unique and different.

Honestly though after debunking a crap load of bad arguments and other false claims made me ponder on something. I honestly think at this point Anti’s dont want high elves not because of the reasons they are fighting for (because I and many others have debunked these already countless times). I think they are honestly afraid people will just move from Horde to Alliance.

To which I would say “why are you afraid of that?” High Elves would be an allied race so there would be some rep to get to exalted to get them then do a quest chain. I mean look at race representation on the various wow population websites. Allied races make up a very small portion of either faction.

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And how many alts are you going to change into pretending your numbers are larger than they are? Only 2 so far, for you and Stella.

Think the same applies for pros, if only 2 Alts per the “10 few” pros liked the page, that’s 20 likes at most, leaving the other 80 to be a variety of other people.

All in all that’s a dumb point to argue as all you’re doing is lowballing the demand for High elves, but it’s more than expect from you Fyre. :man_shrugging:

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The problem with this is when a High elf joins the Blood elves, they’re officially Blood elves. So really the only visual identifier of a High elf among the Blood elves would be their blue eyes.

While I’m confident you’ve seen these lists before we have the Frosthand Sunreaver mages who actually have unique models with eyeshadow and blue eyes. This occurs in both male, and female variants.

The Sunreaver Captains are also seen with blue eyes, although some can also be seen with green eyes as well. Unlike the Frosthand mages, we actually see them on the isle of Thunder as well.

Lanesh the Steelweaver is another blue eyed blood elf who we see in two separate expansions, with even a unique voice actor. He only speaks selective blood elf quotes, and his voice is strangely calm, and tempered unlike the more commanding, and stern voices of other blood elves.


So, what does my post about Blood Elves being High Elves have anything to do with Mounts?

And how is my post there the dumbest thing you have seen when it is a straight out fact?

Everyone does have different reasons though. The reason why I don’t want another playable elven race, is because, well, at the moment, we have 4. This isn’t World of Elfcraft.


most horde players really don’t care. Many are even happy for the alliance if you go in the threads (even the ones of alliance players thumbing their nose at horde players for getting something unique)

But that doesn’t fit the victim mentality so they use a few angry posts to paint a broad brush across an entire faction. Complete ignorance

It wasn’t. The bee mount freak out is the dumbest thing ive seen this week. I was gonna reply something to yours but i forget now.

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In b4 they try to make an argument about the amount or speculate it about not being intentional (because we all know only speculations in favor of the cause count), specially considering that in Lanesh’s case, in the two locations he’s at (Isle of Thunder and Suramar), his eye color is the exact same.

ive settled on this one. on regina i cant be accused of horde bias

No, but you can be accused of not being “a true alliance player”. I’ve seen that happening before… if you’re against High elves, you don’t like Alliance, apparently.


lol. True.

Kind of like all the other NPC races that hang around doing little bits here and there but don’t have a significant impact on anything in the game, eh?

Even worse than being a flaky group that abandoned their people. Their current “lore” is to be menial helpers keeping portals open and throwing up a shield or two.

Why WOULDN’T someone want to play this exciting race? I hear they mog beautifully (lol).