What do we want? High Elves!

Ive had posts literally buried and recieved no silence afterward, so number of flags does not just end in a silence. It means a mod stepped in and delivered said silence.

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No no it clearly must be a glitch. A strange glitch that only targets the high elf threads.

Right, which means two things; one - there were enough flags to trip a Mod review and two - the Mod’s decision was in error.

I’m not going to debate this further with you, it serves no purpose.

Either we can, on both sides, respect that opposing viewpoints are sincerely held beliefs and continue a dialogue or we can all keep watching these threads get locked and move on to the next iteration. My only reason for bringing it up is the continuing assertions that only people opposed to High Elves are flagging posts and contributing to the locks. It’s not true, you know it’s not true, and it’s just slinging darts.

If that’s what you want to continue to do, do it without me. I don’t hate people on your side of this, and other than a few people I somehow manage to get along with people who are pro-High Elf even though I’m opposed. It’s not magic, it’s mutual respect.

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It’s likely one dink who is a MBer, having several accounts flagging which is how they avoid a ban. takes off monocle

Sorry. But population doesn’t matter, Void elves have proved this. Ion has used this as his “excuse” as to why High elves can’t be implemented which has been disproven and at this point, bringing it up is dishonest.

Yet it is the one thing you in particular cling to.

In other words, you have a personal issue with High elves and it’s not really about any valid points, since you continue to bring up this invalid point.

So what you’re eluding to is that because not every single one of the hundreds who have liked all the multiple High elf threads don’t actively discuss High elves in the High elves threads, it’s just the few who do? Sure…


It isn’t about “the Legolas model.” At least to me it isn’t. I’d just like to play as an elf that is so loyal to the Alliance they would forsake their own kin to fight and die on behalf of it. In a game and expansion about faction pride and identity, High Elves would be a perfect fit. Sure they’re are sparse, but so are other playable races and classes

High Elves do have legitimate problems depending on how they’d be implemented, but the request has a lot more merit than you may believe

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Just saying, but you kind of undermined anyone on your side that has been trying to make an argument about how high elves don’t need to look the same as blood elves by showing the works of someone that simply slapped some tattoos and changed the eye color of blood elf models.

I’m sorry but if you think that’s all they bring while at the same time supporting high elves, it seems skewed to say the least.
They bring the element of a heavily Void influenced race to a faction heavily influenced by the Light. If you think that doesn’t mean anything then… :woman_shrugging:


As far as you and I are aware, all it takes is one flag to “trip a mod review”. It does not take just one to bury a thread or post, or cause a lock though because then pretty much all threads would end up locked or buried.

So unless they indicated a number… for all you know it was one flag.

Real talk though, it’s absurd that people can like and report the same post with alt characters

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Agreed. Agreed.

The Water Strider discussion talks were also closed due to large ammount of community flags.
My “Blue Eyes for Blood Elves” was also closed down due to a large ammount of community flags. (Though in the end, the actual topic was fully closed by a forum mod, and there was still no reason into why that is.)

Yeah, not only High Elf threads get targetted.


I will always support playable Alliance High Elves.


Do you remember the flying outrage? In Wod? I’m using other events in comparison. I’m only saying visual representation has dipped.

The Alliance has always been all about the light, if anything Void Elves only hurt the classic Alliance identity. My main issue with them though is that every single thing we’ve seen them do could’ve been done by a generic mage. Making portals? Wow, haven’t seen that done before. Reanimating corpses to terrorize the enemy? May as well have just brought a DK

I have yet to see Void Elves do anything that is actually new, y’know?


I cant speak for water striders cause I have no idea but its very obvious the reasoning “blue eyes for blood elves” probably gets targeted by people. Its the most clear jab at people who want high elves in the Alliance. If you dont honestly see that then I dont know what to tell you.

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And I am telling you that the daily lock session of the thread where it opens and then closes soon after and opens again doesnt make sense for fans to be the cause because they want the thread open. Meanwhile, antis do have something to gain by silencing the discussion. Best to look at the big picture.


Which is understandable, it’s been awhile, but the visual representation can shift into, “oh yeah I’d like High elves, I’ll leave a like”.

Without the “discussion” contribution to the thread, this doesn’t lessen the demand, people aren’t interested in discussion, doesn’t mean they don’t support the idea.

Not exactly true, the Allerian high elves were not present during the original splintering between the Blood, and High elves, and have very little reason to dislike, or hate the blood elves. in fact they have more in common with the modern blood elves than they do with alliance High elves, with Ros’eleth claiming to still want to join the Farstriders, while actively referring to Blood elves as Quel’dorei, to Auric even calling out for both groups to rally together behind the Sunwell as children of Silvemoon.

In addition, there is also the presence of some blue eyed blood elves on the Horde, although admittedly it is not clear if these are simply Blood elves that have somehow retained, or had their blue eyes returned to them, or whether or not they are High elves that have repatriated into Blood elves, but the possibility is still there. c:

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If by “hurting” you mean “adding an interesting element that has the potential of interesting development”, then yes, that’s the whole point. LF draenei only added extra water to the pool, Void Elves gave that pool of boring water some blueberry flavor that could become interesting if exploited.

You… realize that… a lot of people has been using the high elves NPCs keeping portals up to make them look relevant, right?


actually as we continue to see with the void elf light skin request it very much IS about the ‘legolas’ model because void elves still wouldnt be their ‘high’ elves they are ‘blood’ elves. no one buys its about the lore because there is no lore about alliance high elves after 99% of their people left the alliance and its territories

it is the same with humans who throw their lot in with the horde. they are splinter factions working against their people for their own ends. although with ‘high’ elves they just sit in dalaran and rot away off screen. thats it theres nothing left to explore that isnt already being told through blood elves/stormwind humans who make up the overwhelming majority of their race and are already playable and giving them to the opposite faction just makes their races feel less special and unique :family_woman_girl:

how many of the likes are from alts and how many are from people who just want to play a light skinned and majestic elf for their preferred faction in a fantasy mmo :wink: