What do we want? High Elves!

That’s not how it works. It’s not a vote. And yes they do read threads.


Man, that logic is incredible.

Good luck reaching through to people by telling them everything is their fault, and annoying them, even though void elves were the final nail in the coffin.

“We wouldn’t be so annoying if you just-”

Know what? Is that it? You guys eliminate opposition by being as insufferable as possible?

It doesn’t matter. Keep the threads going, you’re driving the idea into the ground permanently at this rate.


Again, I refer you to the Wall of No and all of that drama not even that long ago.


I’m so certain High Elves are so vital that it would bring back just as many subs as classic did.

We’re talking about a race that’s already playable. Good actual luck.


Blizzard didn’t create classic because of subs. They didn’t know how many subs it would or wouldn’t bring.

Thank you! I guess that’s another person we can count on in support of playable High Elves.


So you’re actually trying to pass off an argument that Blizzard did Classic purely without money as motivation.



“Man these high elf threads are annoying. Lets flag them as spam so they get shut down. that’ll make them stop.”

2 more high elf threads are created in its place

Forum users: Surprised pikachu face


If something is spamming the forums, it’s considered spam.

“We want high elves!” x1

“sure i guess”

“We want high elves!” x4980



Astrius, Rreifren or Kirela, you guys don’t speak for Blizzard. lol. I don’t know why you’re trying to act like what you say is fact.

This High Elf thread definitely feels like spam, and it basically is. I’ll always support playable High ELves on the Alliance, but not like this. We need to put way more effort into our threads again.


and you know what happened?

“we want high elves!” x1 got flagged as spammed and shut down.

That is how we got to this point. You started the problem and are now saying we are the problem just because we continue to try and talk about what we wish to talk about.

Ion is quoted that the high elf fantasy is fulfilled on the Horde. I only argue what I can back up.


Blizzard does everything with money in mind. They are a business after all. However, that is not the reason they do or don’t implement player ideas. It’s like when players make silly theories that blizz wants to nickel and dime players and then they are corrected, because the money from silly theory is a much smaller amount than they realize.

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Do they normally implement really hated player ideas without cash motivation?

You can back this up? Blizzard has specifically said this? I don’t recall it. I think you’re just speaking out against them because you don’t like the idea (which is perfectly fine), but it’s not facts.


Look man, there’s a containment thread, void elves were added instead, the LEAD dev basically said no, and there are no high elves except a character essential to Sylvanas’ story in the new patch, even though their ballistae are there. If I was to bet on anything in the entire world, I’d bet that High Elves won’t get added in the next ten years.

Let’s be real.


If they were still open and not locked regularly then this thread probably wouldn’t exist. If we could direct people to the megathread (which I have on occasion when an outlying thread popped up while the megathread was open) then things would be more smooth, wouldn’t they? We have given feedback to Blizzard about it more than once, but they haven’t fixed it.

“Really” hated hm? I see the same few people day in and day out so… I don’t know if you are measuring accurately.


Alright, watch how it goes if you’re so sure.

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Lets look at it like this. What does blizzard have to lose by making alliance high elves playable?

Are any players going to quit due to them being made playable? Sure maybe .1% of those complaining will quit and over half of those will come back later because they are addicted. Everyone comes back to WoW at some point.


When you ask a question like that, it makes me realize you haven’t considered it yourself yet. The Blood Elves have been in the Horde, hell, Silvermoon has been in the Horde longer than any temporary union with the Alliance.

They’re just a Horde race. And they never were an Alliance race, mind you. In the Second war they were reluctant at best to help, and withdrew from the Alliance right after.

High Elves have been on their own side up until Silvermoon joined the Horde. Then High Elves became a Horde race.

Confused reading this? Let me clarify: High Elves are biologically the exact same as Blood Elves.

Let’s just keep trashing the game because we know they’ll come back.