What do we want? High Elves!

Agreed, they don’t know when to stop.

If I were Blizzard I’d keep on dropping irrelevant hints and such to keep the dream alive while never actually have any plans to add it.

Which is kinda of what they are doing with the catapult

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That’s interesting actually now because I swear the only elves I have seen were the Night Elves and Blood Elves.

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I didn’t look for very long to be fair, but I can’t say I actually remember seeing any High elf npcs anywhere besides Vereesa herself.

I still yet have to finish the War Campaign on my Warlock, so I’ll get that done, and take a few screenshots and then we all will see if there is any High Elves NPC’s there.

why are you people so hateful and spiteful? Do you just want to watch the world burn or something?


There were none, which is probably Blizzard sending the message that there is no current High Elf organization fighting for the Alliance in BFA, just the offshoot couple (generous) of elves making their own individual choices

They have to step around glass to add High Elf ballistae but not High Elves themselves.

By the way helf people, hope you’re happy, your purposeful annoyance in the face of a nail in the coffin (void elves) has made High Elves appear even less.

You bring up something very interesting. Okay, how’s this:

Take that. Take that spectrum you perceive (which is rare by the way), and imagine the direct opposite of that. “This is good no matter what! It’s a feature! It’s an addition! You’re SELFISH if you don’t agree! Why be against it if you won’t play it!”

Now which is more annoying?

They are equal, of energy, of end goal. People that THINK they have good intentions, and do it at any cost, they’re just as terrible and counter productive, terrible because they’re annoying, and counter productive because in the face of what they want, they’ve managed to annoy EVERYONE and basically confirm that they will never ever get their way.


I don’t see anyone being so hateful and spiteful.

And that is Nomi’s/Sylvanas job to do that.

It’s okay, because they’re just bumping it all by themselves at this point.


Based on the pattern you see now and months past, and how opposition is growing against it, you know for a fact that the best thing for pro-helves to do is to take a break to let the heat die down, but they won’t and more people will hate them as a result.

The longer this goes on, the less likely it is to happen.

Blizzard has taken the brick wall strategy, meaning all these threads are doing is flaying the minds of players with annoyance, and not affecting Blizzard in any way shape or form.

They harm themselves.


I mean, there’s a reason they devs had to stress to the High elvers to be respectful in their posts.


And your mistake is thinking it’s a vote. If we have a million replies between the 5 of us in this thread it’s going to make blizzard think twice! That’s not how it works, but let’s keep it going I suppose. People will be waking up soon.


You ant to know what makes it annoying? Because of there being multiple threads up constantly. You want to know why there are multiple threads of constantly? Because the forum police keep getting them closed down. For several months there was little pushback and the forums largely didn’t care about the high elf topic because it was only in the single megathread. That all changed when it was mass flagged and is now constantly closed.

You people hate a problem that was created by you. It doesn’t matter if you are indifferent, don’t like seeing the topic, or are against high elves being made playable. You caused this problem with the constant mass flagging of the thread whether planned or unplanned it makes no difference.

If you would let us have our thread you could all mute it and never see it again. Boom your problems are solved.


No, that makes no sense because they’re constantly here. They LOVE these threads because it’s a source of drama and a venue to troll.


I never mentioned anything that would imply I think it’s a vote. However, when more people hate the idea, it’s not gonna be added. Helf threads? They’re making people hate the idea.

You don’t seem to understand. The time and opportunity to add High Elves came and went with Void Elves. It’s too late. Blizzard cannot change it, and because of that, the High Elf threads will keep going, and because of that, the idea of High Elves will progressively become even more hated than it already is.

The only chance I could see is many years down the line, but only if the helf movement actually just stops talking for once.

We will never stop. That is what you need to understand. The sooner everyone accepts we are never going away the sooner this stops being an issue. It gets to be such a huge mess and a problem for the forums because you are all pushing back on it. Blizzard allows the topic to exist. You all do not get to decide whether it is allowed or not. that is not your right.


“It’s your fault that we’ve set upon a mission to annoy people until we get what we want”

Let’s see how that flies. Oh wait, it’s not. People hate you guys. With the best of reasons.

Disagreeing with someone is not trolling. When you see people don’t like something, you’re gonna sit there and tell them that their opinion doesn’t matter and that they’re trolling?


Blizzard could absolutely change it. They’re the gods of the game after all.

Do you even know how much hate blood elves have received over the years, despite possibly having more players than all the other races combined? Hate isn’t going to stop blizz. It hasn’t stopped them from doing a lot of things.

But… 20 people sitting around picking fights vs how many players have supported it over ALL the threads these last few years will definitely put a halt to any thought of playable high elves, I am sure.

That’s what they said about classic too.


You are acting like you are not to blame. You made this a problem. IF you would leave the topic be there wouldn’t be 50 threads up at once. there would be a single thread and you would never have to see it because the forums allow you to mute a thread so it doesn’t show up for you.

The problem isn’t us. It is you.


and another thing to note is that all those “comments and posts about pushing back on high elves” only become a number to support our cause once the thread shuts down as no one is going to go through and read them. They will just see the post count and that is all that matters at that point.