What do we want? High Elves!

Implying blizzard listens to anyone anymore.

Top kek.

Actually they were. At first I didn’t think they were there but while doing some running around I found them. They were over on the far left side of the troops mixed in with some others (nelves maybe? I’ll have to check on my next character when I do that part).

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Umm pot, what are you calling the kettle again?

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aye. Honestly murgs is fine. If antis were more like him these threads would likely only be 20-30% arguments and debates rather than the 95% or more it has been.


I’ve been wanting to say this in the High Elves megathread for awhile now. But, every time I turn around to make a post in it, the thing is locked. So, I will just have to do this here since the conversation cannot be had over in the DEDICATED MEGATHREAD for it…

Now, I’m in support of the Alliance getting it’s long time friendly supporters, the Quel’dorei (not to be confused with the Quel’dorei that turned into Sin’dorei) at some point added as a Allied or Core race (Allied being the better choice imo.) With that said though, my support can go up & down depending on multiple factors. These factors are for example and not limited to…

  1. If Blizzard says there will for sure be NO QUEL’DOREI added as an Allied race at any point in the game for the Alliance.

While I would still support them being added. I would acknowledge Blizzard’s official statement and wouldn’t go out of my way to push the issue beyond saying something like “Yeah, I want High Elves. But, Blizzard did say no” in a passing conversation basically on the forums.

  1. If Blizzard says they’re considering more Allied/Core races for the Alliance. But, they state they won’t do anymore after X (X being whatever number they post.)

In this situation my support for Quel’dorei becomes a lot more loose and that is primarily because of the limited number of races to be considered. If the number is on the low end like…2-6 at most. Then I would be more than happy to look at other options before I say yes to the Quel’dorei. If it was on the higher end of like 8+, then I would support the High Elves without blinking an eye. That all said however, I can understand People getting burned out on Elves, and in the end for them it doesn’t matter what side it falls on.

If Blizzard wanted to, they could also make a “Quel’Dorei Legacy” quest item that allows Void Elves to be customized to look like the desired blue eyed, fair skinned Quel’dorei that some Alliance & Horde players want. This would be a good option for Blizzard if they were both okay with the concept AND didn’t want to create another playable elf race at the same time. A nice “You can change what you look like on the outside, but you can’t change what you are on the inside” type quest.

In the end though, I do support the Alliance’s Quel’dorei being added as a Allied race option for the Alliance. But, this is mainly because I want there to be as many reasonable playable races as possible for People to choose from. What everyone deems reasonable & unreasonable however, I will leave that to them. I know where my support stands and where it will step aside in the end.

have a good one folks!


Can’t wait for blue eyed blood elves walking out of silvermoon to quest in westfall now that the factions are dissolving.

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Hello folks. I’m back again and I yes I know I’m supposed to be taking a break off of the forums but seeing as how things are really heated and dire.

I thought I share with you all some very nice ideas from a WoW Fan Artists in 3D and He took notice of the Big High Elf/Quel’dorei Debate. So here’s a link to https://twitter.com/RoccusModding/status/1178401619131670543 where the Tattoo Options are Green instead of Blue and also the Bearded High Elf Man as well https://twitter.com/RoccusModding/status/1178046504742920192

This work was done by RoccusModding. He did a Great Job on not just High Elf Models but also everything else such as the what if Night Elves had the Warden Armor to Uther and etc.

Cheer up Folks. Quel’dorei will becoming playable someday one way or another.


The Alliance of Lordaeron was the Alliance of the Human Kingdom of Lordaeron.

The Alliance of Stormwind is what formed the Alliance today, not the Alliance of Lordaeron.

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We need a type of elf that isn’t evil, sinister, or feral. High Elves fill a missing niche.

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Nah, they’re emo void elf wannabes.

No more elves

Nah, that’s what blood Elves, higborne, night elves, and void elves are. They’re stoic and Noble the whole lot of them.


It’s been a lot more than two years that Blizzard has refused to grant the wish for Ogres, Mok’nathal, Naga, Vrykul, Tuskar, Yaungol, Hozen, Jinyu, et cetera.

This just seems like an irrelevant factoid, if I’m being honest.


Or a Elf Type that isn’t just the same very brand and kind of generic Dark Elf theme on the Alliance that has been done to death two times. I was fine with Night Elves but when Void Elves came out of the Blue instead of High Elves which is a Theme of Snow Elf, Wood Elf, and also Good Elf that isn’t Evil, Sinister and Feral. That’s where the Alliance became very unoriginal in terms of Elves now in days on the Alliance side of things.


The only other kind of elves I could think of to fit that role (besides High Elves) would be a Half-Elf or maybe a Dragon Elf (dragon taking the form of an elf, like Nozdormu).

Shen’dralar, though cool and interesting, would be pretty sinister too, or at least have sinister origins. And it would probably be another Drow type of thing, like Nightborne.


Which is why I prefer Half Elves and High Elves. All I see from the Shen’dralar is just another Night Elf Faction that looks the same as Night Elves but Mages.


I feel like Nightborne stole the Shen’dralar’s role anyways. Which is why arguments about faction identity this or that ring so hollow. It already happened to Alliance when their Cataclysm-era allies the Shen’dralar were repurposed into a new Horde faction.

If that is true, then why wouldn’t High Elves be acceptable? It is literally just following the precedent set by Alliance Shen’dralar becoming Horde Nightborne (for all intents and purposes).


those races arent already playable, so they are at least possible

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…because there have been no end of threads and posts DEMANDING
'‘blueberry elves with tentacles’.
As for the rest of you ‘antis’, so terrified that PAHEs would drain the Horde as the Belf players would go back to the Alliance by the THOUSAND: You’re right.
It’s hard playing an ugly race. I can’t so not throwing rocks here.

Just quit with the ‘we got playable HE, they’re called Belfs now’.
Then they aren’t PAHE, are they?
:beer: and…
…tink tink.


You just described what Void Elves are. Nothing new to the Alliance. I mean does Void Elves have Warcraft 2 Rangers? No they don’t. Just Blue Blood Elves.

This. XD

You are Right.


Because this has gone on for over 1000 posts without it.