What do we want? High Elves!

Personally it’s because elves are waaaaay overdone at this point. I’d like to see some new, non generic ideas when it comes to races


I don’t honestly care if you’re sick of it. It’s been a lot more than two years that Blizzard has refused to grant the wish for High Elves, you’re new to the party. You can either be civil and accept that others view this completely differently than you or you can spend your time in these threads angry and frustrated simply because some of us disagree with you.

There’s something you really, really need to understand:

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then go and make your own topic. IF you want something you don’t oppose other people’s ideas you go and talk about what you want added.


Yes you do. Welcome to a public forums. Where your opinions can and will be met with opposition


I know the request has been more than 2 years. I am talking about 2 years since allied races were announced and these high elf threads were always on the forums every day never going away.

Not the occasional thread. The constant ones that are here to show we are not going away now that allied races exist. Many antis actually have given up over this time with only 2-3 staying the entire time while most of us have been here from the start.

It is just ridiculous some give up but new antis come in. We are not going away. Stop trying to kill the topic. Leave us alone and go request about whatever you want added.


that isn’t a very good way to get what you want added though. Blizzard can’t make something when you don’t tell them what you want them to make.


And yet we just got fat humans and are about to get amputee gnomes.

It’s also only been a year since the AR system was implemented, making the possibility of High elves even easier than it has been since TBC when they gave the Horde Blood elves.

And if you want to get even more technical it’s been even less time for them to consider it after having at least up till junker gnomes planned as ARs for the expansion.


I don’t want High Elves.

I want unique Death Knight Voices and Cultist Skin options, like Thassarian uses.


okay go make a thread requesting that as blizzard 99% likely won’t see your request here for it.


I’ve been involved, on the opposing side of this argument, since well before the forum change. I state my positions clearly and without insults being aimed at anyone (anyone who doesn’t decide to make it personal, that is), so as succinctly as I can, let me answer your demand that I leave:


I am not demanding you leave. I am saying leave us alone and let us discuss our topic in peace.


And? Sorry you dont like them. Also a Cyborg race would be pretty unique, even if you dont like them

Plenty of threads like that. But part of debating a topic is tearing down an oppositions argument

You should probably make a discord channel if you just want like minded people stroking one anothers ideas. Public forums will never invite that


Just what exactly do you think


I’m not going anywhere. I’ve been flag bombed in the mega-thread, once by someone who carpet-bomb flagged my posts so much that I got a brief forum vacation. A forum vacation that was immediately overturned once it was looked at at my request, with the following comment:

“After reviewing the account’s record of forum violations, we determined that a silence was not warranted. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.”

I know how to have a difference of opinion without making it personal, you might consider doing the same.


No, you’re asking for a race that LEFT the Alliance, except for a small fan club that cared more about their human boyfriends than helping the rest of their race.


Sorry you don’t like High Elves, you’re more than welcome to make a request for a new and unique race, we’ll keep asking for High Elves. :man_shrugging:


Yeah go right ahead. Nowhere did i say you couldnt. Just dont be surprised that others dont agree and vocalize it is all


One thing I will always respect about most of the people on your side of this debate is your persistence. No sarcasm, honest respect that you keep at it.

Ha. Blizzard doesn’t read GD for changes to the game.

They only respond when the complaints reach their twitter and emails.

Not even remotely shocked that people don’t agree, Murgs probably the best one to showcase it without actively trolling like some other antis.

What it comes down to is Points vs Points, which has been discussed at length in all the mega threads, i’m sure blizzard has seen, which is again, the entire point.

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