What do we want? High Elves!

Who knows? Only blizz does, but it doesnt seem like theyre interested in fixing it any time soon. So… The cycle will continue. The forums are super wonderful these days.

I am pretty sure that the daily locking of said thread doesnt fall on the side of that since fans want it to stay open, but theres no way to tell.


at this point idk why the megathread isn’t just stickied by blizzard. The thread is sanctioned by the moderators to be allowed to exist. The community does not have the right to judge themselves. It being constantly flagged and shut down is an abuse of forum tools. Sure let things get flagged if deserved but the thread should never close regardless of however many flags it gets.


This is a public forum. You nor any other use has the right to decide what is and isn’t allowed to be discussed here.


Im not deciding what is allowed. But if you dont want antis or whoever to keep flagging threads and silencing the conversations then go to the discord.

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That’s easy

  1. It’s horrible software (consider this one repeated after every other point)
  2. There seems to be a threshold for a lock, and people can flag while it’s locked, or if enough people flagged before it was locked it can stay locked longer
  3. There doesn’t seem to be a statute of limitation for flags so in an old thread people can go back and flag ancient posts with the same effect -even if it’s already been through moderation
  4. I’m pretty sure the mod team has lost patience with us so they aren’t inclined to do the extra work of clearing out the thread through the horrible software just for us to lock it again in a few minutes.

Speaking just for our silly discord, we want it to stay open too, frankly you guys are our own best argument, and no one wants to see this spilling all over the forums over and over.


that is giving them authority over us when they have no such thing. We will continue until either the human race goes extinct or WoW and warcraft as a franchise ends forever.


“Scary” lol the only thing scary about them is the way they revel in cherry picking and skewed lore, climate denier levels.

The point of the forum requests for Allied Races is for Blizzard to see the request for it and the multiple ideas of their implementation, the discord server is for fan discussion, there’s nothing saying we can’t have both, but thanks for again pointing out your sides want to silence player request, out of what I can only imagine to be spite.


What side is my side?


what is scary about them is how invested and opposed to high elves they are. I don’t understand why any person would oppose something that is ultimately an additional choice being added for players to make in terms of character customization so hard


Unearned feeling of exclusivity and misinformation of the subject.


So how do you know which side im on?


the presentation or promotion of someone or something in a particular way.

  • the unconscious transfer of one’s own desires or emotions to another person.

“we protect the self by a number of defense mechanisms, including repression and projection”

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who is this in response to?


Does it matter?

You stated antis I stated why.

Why are you making it personal? If it’s not “your side” then you know “what side” I’m talking about.

If you want drama go to the Bee thread. :honeybee:


It paints your side in a bad light when a supporter insults other supporters.
So it kind of matters.

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Which almost seems to support the theory that mass flagging to lock a thread doesnt fall on the side of fans. If its locked what does a fan gain by going back through old posts to keep flagging to try and get it locked? Assuming that flags are the cause, of course. We arent talking a few days or whatever here. The old continuation thread has been locked for like 42 days straight.

I try to believe that mods arent vindictive or apathetic so I wouldnt make that claim. However, if you are correct then its their fault that the forums all over are in the sorry shape that they are.

Orly? ALL of you hm? Still, your discord and the other discord dont hold all of the players involved in this topic.

I would argue that you guys dont do your side any favors, by the way, since you brought it up.


Yes, it apparently is. Made people real angry when they started tamping down in the times before megathread by deleting all the duplicate threads.

It directly lead to the megathread because it was way too much trouble deleting 10+ threads.


Waiting to see the “support” :thinking:


This is a stupid argument and I am sick to death of the people that make it. The Alliance that the High Elves joined literally does not exist anymore.

The High Elves and the ancient human kingdom of Arathi were in an alliance, which later became the Grand Alliance of Lordaeron. The High Elves swore allegiance to the bloodline of Arathi, of which Anduin Lothar was the last descendant. After the 2nd war and Lothar’s death, the High Elves were basically footing the bill for the Horde internment camps so they formally left the Alliance.

During the third war, Lordaeron was destroyed along with Quel’thalas, so the capital and government of the Alliance reformed under Stormwind, along with the Dwarves of Ironforge and the Gnomes of Gnomeregan. The Elves turned hostile to the Alliance after one Grand Marshall Garithos tried to have the High Elf (now Blood Elf) leadership executed for fabricated “treachery.”

Do not kid yourself. Just because there are 2 recruitable High Elf units in Warcraft 3 for the Human faction, does not give you any leverage. Replay WC3 TFT and you can see, EXACTLY where the High Elves cut ties the Alliance with a gigantic middle finger, assisted by Illidan and Lady Vashj.

Just because a few stragglers remain does not mean you deserve them as a race.


Are you questioning that the Pro side hasn’t insulted the Against side or am i reading this wrong?