What do we want? High Elves!

What? That one fights with the Horde while the other fights with the Alliance?

You have been shown, and also been proven, by several other people that they are exactly the same.

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The formerly Blood elven, Void elves brought Silver Covenant High elven Ballista.



The only excuse you have left is because the devs say no, which i respect more just then flat out denial.


exactly. All we can do is infer that is meant to be their representation of the siege because obviously blizzard can’t include everything that was there in canon.

For instance we see draenei running through the canyon but there are no draenei in formation at the gates or anywhere for that matter.


draenei priests are seen at razor hill in the bunker crafting bandages

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You think that is the only thing I have, and because the devs said no, you think that is excuse?

Read the Lore. Play the Game. You can easily see that the only difference between the High and the Blood is one fights for the the Alliance and the other fights for the Horde.

Because everything else about them, they’re both the same.


and the devs didn’t even say no. There are just no plans at the moment and that has been well over a year since then.

Personally I believe 9.0 is shadowlands and we will likely get no allied races during it but 10.0 is likely to be an old world revamp which I can see them bringing in allied races such as high elves, wildhammer, ogres, and forest trolls.


yes but they are not at the gates and regardless I said we see them running down the canyon as well. Just because we didn’t see the NPCs directly at the gates of the siege does not mean they weren’t there in some capacity. We see their siege weapons. That is likely meant as their representation.


Nice try to change your point, But we have always said they are different politically. Thats old news, they only difference you can play your and we cant.


Oh wow, all the Void Elves would like to have a word with you. Since they are still Thallasian elves.


Those are called Ren’dorei, exiled Sin’dorei


No, they get flagged because you guys made/make 125214761287461 of them. Despite already getting the best compromise that you are going to receive, whether you like it or not.

125214761287461 get made and the same thing happens in every single one of them. Pointless arguing in the same stupid circle over and over again.

Mostly between the people who have the attitude “You don’t believe what I believe so you are therefore wrong.”

There’s little to no additional discussion that can be made and it has become spam at this point.


those are the same as blood elves though. They are still the pragmatic nobles of silvermoon just voided and on alliance.


Oh yeah heh. Thats a metzen quote which kind of makes him my favorite dev or whatever right now because he wasnt afraid to acknowledge how unnatural blood elves on the horde are.

He says a lot of mean things about blood elves by the way, if I remember correctly. I dont think he really likes them. Hes a writer for wow books and lore, right? I wonder if it has anything to do with blood elves allegedly being planned to be enemies for alliance and horde to fight before someone got the… bright idea to make them a horde race.


the problem isn’t us. The forum community does not have the right to decide what is and isn’t allowed. The moderators allow high elves to be discussed. What happens to our threads is abuse of the system and so many only get made because the last one gets closed down by the community mass flagging it.


We all know what dancing around an issue is right? I’m sure you’ve had friends/family/co-workers come to you or you approached them and they did everything they could to skirt around an issue to try avoiding maxmimum damage. This is essentially what happened in the QnA. They don’t wanna outright say no. Not because they have plans for the far future or anything but there is no sense in upsetting parts of the community when you can continually dance and be like Ion: Feelin cute, might develop high elves later. Idk. Essentially just stringing everyone along and everyones mostly ok with it.


Still your Thallasian elf.


Funny part is most people who make the spam High elf threads are not regulars to the megathread.

But again, not that it even remotely matters when the supposedly “adult” players of WoW have so little self control that they cannot mute a thread so as to not see it any longer, all in all, this is on you.


I would say Real Quel’dorei would not want nothing to do with Sin’dorei as much as the horde kills them off, as the Sin’dorei sit back and do nothing.


in terms of business the world doesn’t work that way. If you mean one thing you have to give a firm answer or the door is never closed.