What do we want? High Elves!

Yes Cezol, reading is hard.


Weird how they have models for Blood elven Ballista, Night elven, High elven, Troll, Youngol.


Yet they specifically used the Blue High elven Ballista with Vereesa present in the area after having mentioned that the bulk of the rebel army was what the Alliance could provide, the SC High elves being part of that Alliance.

But yes Tarrok, they must of been Blood elven Ballista that they forgot to color red.


A thing was there with no context to it at all, no crews, no mention of it, just plonked down in the middle of the battlefield. OBVIOUSLY it means exactly what you want it to mean!


Given how the story is progressing, I wouldn’t be surprised if HE’s got into the game.

As a eye colour option for Blood Elves.

Since with the faction barriers (hopefully) getting broken down in 9.0 that would easily solve the HE issue.

Plus I find that it’s more interesting overall that we dont have traditional HE’s as a playable race, compared to other fantasy IP’s WoW’s elven races are waaay cooler and more distinct. Since traditional High Elves are just tall, pretty humans with pointy ears and glowing eyes.

We have:

  • Amazonian kick butt purple elves with Druid magic
  • Aristocratic mage elves with cool tatoo’s
  • Cthulu tentacle elves
  • Fel-corrupted elves that are redeemed.

That’s infinity more interesting.

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You understand part of a story can be surmised by the individual without them having to spoon feed it to you yeah? If they wanted you to think it was Blood elven Ballista, they would of made them Blood elven Ballista wouldn’t they?

Didn’t realize Tauren could be Rogues now, very nice dodges.

I also understand that people can make stuff up and then try to act like it’s supported by evidence either by using the human brains amazing ability to find patterns (even ones that don’t actually exist) or just because it makes them look good.

The ballistas are a minor mystery that may or may not have any significance to the story.


Poor void elves don’t even get considered.

i still think ‘silvermoon’ harry crafted them. he apparently is quite knowledgeable about elven engineering. he even built fort victory in nazmir for the alliance where he appears with his gf alanya who he wont even acknowledge without wearing an elf mask

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In a game where color is used as visual shorthand to denote faction allegiance, the color of a war machine is context.


Where did it come from? Who crewed it?

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Aren’t the traditional HE are Night Elves/Nightborne since they came from the same… eh… what is a good way to put it? Meh, whichever, but aren’t the Traditional HE Night Elves or Nightborne ince they look so much almost alike to each other to the Highborne as well?

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If you possess the abilities to use inference and deduction use them. Who or what does the color blue represent most often? Who or what does the color red represent most often? What is the object? Is it likely to belong to a faction? If so are members of either faction near? If both, which color does the object match with regarding the context of the color relations the game has already provided?


whats more likely bel. they are relics being trotted out because both alliance/horde armies are stretched thin? or elven siege design were incorporated into the alliance before high elves left? or lorthemar painted them blue to show solidarity between the 2 factions reminding the alliance they once stood together as one? or the team or person in charge of plopping down assets just picked what looked cool and didnt think of the relevance? or ofc the most likely they imply an invisible alliance high elf army. i wont be addressing this argument anymore. its a joke and can only ever be presented as subjective/wishful thinking and everybody knows it



No thanks. The only people that want them are the 4-5 in this thread and the few in their discord.


You have them, they are called blood elves…

What do we really want… MURLOCS!


Anybody who agrees with you is welcome?

Geez, aren’t you a brave person


Lmao, they were red before the Third War, they do not look good in Blue.


Heck yeah sign me up for high elves! I only want dragon more than that and have their model be the high elf version for blue dragons, and then they can use true form for flying.