What do we want? High Elves!

It’s also their ancestral home, if not their real home. Besides which the Fel Horde still has some pretty serious ties to the current Horde. Multiple places in Azeroth are named after Kargath, who was their Warchief.

I can’t wait to play a horde high elf!

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I’ve got some good news for you on that front.


OwO wots dis?

Come closer.



ʸᵒᵘ ᵃˡʳᵉᵃᵈʸ ᶜᵃⁿ


goes back to memories of playing horde in BC on Moon Guard

Don’t listen to him! He’s just trying to sell you dodgy bloodthistle!

Your argument doesn’t seem to allow for nuance.

I already said that the citations didn’t outright say it was a mistake, but it did acknowledge that the addition of Blood Elves to the Horde isn’t a natural, or self-evident one. You don’t need a game director’s full word to see that.

Also, the statement that the addition of the Nightborne to the Horde is to make the Blood elves feel more natural predicates on the notion that Blood Elves weren’t natural in the first place. Like Blood Elves, I scratched my head about Nightborne being in the Horde, but I’m not as emotionally devastated. The Horde can have them.


and yet you continue to demand the race be made neutral because a few individuals exist in the alliance. we have a portal keeper in boralus. we dont have an alliance high elf army in the war, but the horde do. its like trying to make fetch happen


I find it incredibly appropriate that this post was made by a Druid.

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When you want it grown right…hire a Druid. :wink:

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But muh blue eyes!

You’ll get them in time - I did. :wink:


I’m honestly shocked anyone can still read the skewed way you look at lore and think “yes, I agree with this, take a like”, but then I remember it’s more about “my side vs there’s” isn’t it?

  1. We don’t want your Horde Blood elves, we want our Alliance High elves, they can be the same race but different parties, it’s that easy Fyre.

  2. Just because there’s less Alliance High elven presence in BFA does not mean they have ceased to exist, toddlers understand object permanence, why can’t you? BTW, you’re still ignoring the High elves Ballista in the most recent patch and keep trying to pretend they don’t have other models for the races present at the battle to represent said Ballista.

Spreading misinformation only really reflects badly on your side, and ignoring what’s in front of you speaks to active antagonism instead of any valid argument against the issue past “my personal feelings”.


they left as a people after wc2. only a few individuals remained loyal like the portal keeper in boralus

because theres a multitude of reasons for them. and i have gone over them with you, but what they most certainly dont represent is an invisible alliance high elf army

tbf a high elf does appear near 1 ballista



We keep trying to tell you that.


Which is still way more than any Void elves ever shown, thanks for agreeing.

Sorry this matters why? Obviously a donation from the Silver Covenant, an Alliance aligned faction of High elves.

Adorably toxic and only deepens my point. :kissing_heart:

With just as much information to back me up, it was obviously old stock left in the armories of Silvermoon that was pulled out in this time of desperation. Actually, frankly it has a bit more, as Lor’themar is standing near one and I didn’t notice any SC presence at all.


i took the liberty of taking a ss wherever the alliance army gathers en masse for a major battle during the war campaign(assault on zuldazar and the gates of org). one even includes a void elf army. and included one of the literally few alliance high elves found in the entire expansion whose context is all out war between the horde and alliance. no alliance high elf army anywhere, just a couple flavor NPCs


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Nice head cannon, they can magically change their entire city to red to reflect their new “Blood elf” identity but not a few Ballistas? Vereesa being there isn’t SC presence?

Even though we’ve seen in game actual red Blood elves Ballista, I know you’re better than Fyre, Tarrok.

Reading is hard isn’t it?



The point was that you just made up that SC tidbit out of thin air. There were no alliance leaning High Elves at Orgrimmar (other than the two windrunners showing up so one could try and talk us out of it, and the other stood there silently) There was just a random ballista sitting there with no crew. But you decided that is obviously a sign of the SC involvement. I pointed out that using the same set of facts available you could say it was brought by the blood elves, because we don’t know why random blue ballista is there.