What do we want? High Elves!

I meant the post above.

“Seriously. If pro-helf threads weren’t being mass flagged again and again, there wouldn’t be a need for these threads.”

I literally said just before his post that if the megathread was left alone and allowed to prosper, these splinter threads wouldn’t exist.


“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” -Albert Einstein

There is no need to think of high elves 24/7…to the point that the moment that a thread goes down temporarily, a new one is created. Just to beg for the same thing. How many years now?


I don’t know what best to tell you. You irritate the community. That’s the price of constant visibility.

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And I don’t know what to say except that I’ve been nothing but positive and encouraging. If I’ve in any way hurt the pro-helf community, then I apologise but I don’t think I have.

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Whatever your on about, the very person you referenced in your original post in this thread, the one you used to create it, agreed your original post was low effort and suggested there didn’t always need to be a new thread immediately after one closes. You should let things cool off for a bit.

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And like most healthy communities, we can have disagreements. I just fear that a lull in the action would be interpreted as the debate being a closed and shut case, when it very much isn’t

I’ll consider my friends’ words when taking action next time, but what I will never, ever do is shut up about it


Unfortunately, and you may not be the problem, but the Alliance high elf community has some very toxic members. I get social relativity and being more forgiving of a group you’re apart of, but look up and read some of their posts. It’s not a healthy community.

Look, other allied race communities still advocate what they want but they don’t need to constantly bump their threads into the top 10. Most importantly they allow people to disagree with them. You don’t need to “shut up” about it, but a refractory period might be “healthy” for everyone.


Speak for yourself and the vocal minority, most people are adults that have enough Will power to mute threads they don’t like seeing.

Pot calling the Kettle black lol, your side is some of the most lore-skewed and flame bait trolls i’ve ever had the displeasure of interacting with, you are not without sin.

Think your side has a fundamental misunderstanding when it comes to “disagreeing”, as we’ve duly noted your disagreement yet you continue to pester the Megathreads, spamming it, making sure we’re aware of your disagreement again, so it’s either spam or trolling, either way, it’s commendable of you to try and defend antagonism.

While i already stated i don’t agree with the spam threads, when the megathread stays consistently locked, it’s not surprising this happens, if you have such a tremendous issue with it, you should let Blizzard know to fix their flawed system that gives power to the people and flag abusers, until then, the request continues. :man_shrugging:


Let’s look beyond the name-calling and the negativity and focus on why we want high elves in the game. We do it because we love the game. What I’m tired of is the negativity and we shouldn’t let it breed. Let’s rise above it and be positive going forward


I have said this before. Blizzard have implemented playable High Elves into the Game. Those remaining Quel’thalas citizens, who betrayed the High Elves who stayed to fight the scourge, are now NPC’s, neutral or friendly to both the Alliance and the Horde.

Chris Metzen, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2005, 1:55 … 'Blood Elves were chosen as the Horde expansion race in the Burning Crusade because designers were thrilled with how well Samwise had redesigned the classic wood elves with the night elves. And they knew that, “one day, high elves are going to have to get a facelift, too.

I don’t think anyone has abused high elves to this degree ,” Metzen said.


Blood Elves were designed for the Horde with a rewrite of the classic High Elf Trope, just as Night Elves were designed for the Alliance with a classic rewrite of the Wood Elf Trope.

Blizzard, at least 14 years ago, committed the High Elf Lore, legend and history to the Horde.


And yet they continue to add them to the Alliance story, throughout those 15 years.

Oh by the way, not all High Elves are Blood elves.

WoW lore isn’t the bible, you don’t get to cherry pick the parts you don’t like.


I’ve read a source that Metzen had believed that Blood Elves on the Horde were a mistake. I’ll have to dig for the source, but consider this information unconfirmed until I do


If you find it, PLEASE don’t hesitate to add it somewhere, and hopefully I don’t miss it. Even though the issue here is not Blood Elves (which are their own distinct group separate from the High Elves we have been discussing all this time) I would love to see how someone from Blizz felt about it. I have wondered if there ever was any regret down the road.

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So I’ve consulted the discord and a kind soul has given me a few links. This one seemed like the most poignant.

“I’m trying to think of Horde races. I guess only blood elves feel like the odd man out for the Horde. I hope that we’ve engineered that into it as deftly as we could, but you know, it’s the equivalent of a bunch of white chicks hanging out with goblin or tauren. It’s weird. The Alliance races are a little pushed, but I think we’re finding that balance with pandaren running around Stormwind, you know. Like “hey, it’s those guys!” We just think it’s cool they’re hanging around with us.”

So maybe not regret, but understanding that Blood Elves are a little out of place in the Horde.

Also, John Staats in an AMA said something to the effect of them becoming part of the Horde because of requests on the Horde for a pretty race (imagine a Vanilla dev saying “the Alliance is waiting for you”!)


This argument is still going on? It’s all so tiresome.

Ion told you no. Close the book, pack your bags and learn to live with it.


But that’s just a reason, not the reason.


I’m still mad the Draenei got overshadowed by knife-ears in TBC.

I’m still mad orcs got overshadowed by both.

I mean. This is post-Nerzhul Draenor. There’s not many orcs left, aside from Nagrans and Illidan’s cronies.

in addition to yours and tarroks citations

stever danuser, senior narrative designer WoW

The Nightborne bring more gravitas to the Horde, making the Blood Elves feel more natural in the faction and providing an important counterweight to the Forsaken or Orcs.

also none of these imply giving blood elves to the horde was a ‘mistake’ and if there was it would be branded about as much the game directors comments on the subject :family_woman_girl: