What do we want? High Elves!

Its more than that. The flag became the new downvote.

I dunno, he’s pretty anti fam.

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I suppose that’s possible. Wouldn’t it say it was closed by a mod though? It says it was closed automatically due to the number of community flags

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I agree about the downvote, and couple that with there being like 4 CM’s flagging is an easy way to automatically shut down a thread.

I disagree with your assessment of the percentage.

Personally I know there have been people in guilds I’ve been in who flag High Elf threads not because they don’t want them playable or care but because they hated logging on and seeing the first 10 topics on the forums having half of them be about High Elves.

I agree the Megathread shouldn’t be flagged and left as the one thread to engage in the topic but High Elf-fatigue is not something just felt by pro and anti High Elf people.

When you say “you people” as the people flagging this thread, the people you should be talking to are people who aren’t even in here and may not even be full on against High Elves. They’re just against the constant presence of numerous High Elf topics on the forums.

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I don’t know.

It’s just a theory but next time it’s closed, look at the previous day’s posts. In the run up to the closure it’ll always be particularly toxic.

I’ll keep a better eye out from here on out. I think I recall a couple of times where a moderator did close the thread due to toxic behavior, can’t remember when though

It probably doesn’t help that people can flag posts multiple times with alts. Perhaps it’s just a few ruining things for the rest?

Don’t suppose You’d name them?

No reason to, really

Love the name, btw

Thank you.

When making such claims you must have some evidence, mind sharing it with us?.
Because I don’t recall any of us flagging your little thread.

Hell, I prefer one cringy thread than 4

Maybe. Maybe it’s some people who just in it to meme. It makes as much sense that it’s helfers who once again I should point out have said in the megathread itself to be more than willing to flag posts they don’t agree with in recent days, flags which could lock a thread as fast as some anti helfer conspiracy.

What I’m saying is that no one should be making public call outs to any individual or group on something unless you have more evidence than an assumption. Otherwise you risk doing stuff like riling up old mate here and getting posts like this.


He’s actively contributed to a few positives and admitted he’d play the crap outta them in the past :+1: but mostly anti.

The people who are the quickest to throw accusations are usually guilty of it.
I mean…there were several prominent helfers, including those posting right now, who were caught admitting to flag bombing.

Oh, and helf forum spamming. Its good stuff. Accuse others of what you’re doing, so no one notices.


Hang on, I need to go mock him in the anti helf discord for being accused of being “mostly” an anti.


Don’t give him too much grief, he’s got bourbon in his name. :wink:


Yeah it’s closed right now because of your anti Quel’dorei people.

A lot of people who frequent these threads get accused of trolling, when it actuallity the trolls left us alone like 2 years ago. They had their fun after Ion said his piece and then they were done. Unless some people are flaging the threads because they think it’s funny, that even sounds likely

We don’t know that, for all we know it could be people who are flagging opposing viewpoints in the mega. I know it’s frustrating having that thread go down, but pointing fingers isn’t the best idea, just gives em more ammo.


I quite like Bournon, he’s always been level headed. Talking with people like him is what convinced me that the anti’s really aren’t so bad, they’re usually fun to talk to

Whether or not we ever get High Elves, I’ve enjoyed my time here