What do we want? High Elves!

I dont flag it. Perheps it may be the fact of other people (both anti and pro) who flag it causing it to auto-close. Thats a possibility.

I don’t think anyone is accusing the regular antis of flagging the mega. Unless I am missing something.

I think the quoted section is the most likely scenario.

I dunno if that’s a discussion you really wanna open, fam.

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You people are the cause of the closures, constantly.

If you mean by cause that, our posts get flagged by people…sure? But I personally havent flagged the thread or any posts in it.


What that most of the anti Quel’dorei people in the forum act like jerks? You don’t know anything about what I want to do.

Well, there’s this…


When did I say you personally did?

i like your style! do go on.

In Bourbons defense, he’s not completely anti and is pretty objective, one of those that are fun to converse with.

I know people can be jerks in other threads, but the best thing to do is not even grace them with a response.

You keep replying to me and say “you people” so you are insinuating that I did take part in it.


What do you mean “You people”? Hmm?

Ooooo you got me there. I’ll admit that’s a very small possibility.

When I say you people I mean the anti Quel’dorei group.

We’re about to witness my personal theory as to the reason for the closures in action.

Mods close threads when they turn toxic.

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Its more than small, a lot of anti posts get flagged and then get hidden due to flags.


That post didn’t come off as intended, I’ll admit. I think it’s safe to say that if it was closed due to flagging, it was due to either anti’s or people who view it as spam and nothing more (like, those who don’t give a hoot if Helves are added or not, but are sick of seeing the threads)

All it really means to be an anti is to be opposed to High Elves as an allied race, which is pretty broad. There are a lot of people who oppose their inclusion for any number of reasons. Whether you believe they’d infringe upon Blood Elves, that they’d take away from Void Elves, or you believe the game has too many elves as it is

It just sems likely to me that the thread was closed due to the kind of anti that doesn’t frequent Helf threads, that isn’t a part of the discord group, and is just sick of seeing threads about High Elves in GD. There are a lot of forum users, y’all aren’t a hive mind that can be controlled

Now we’ll have a problem with people accusing every anti of being the reason as to why the thread is closed. My comment came off as such, I apologise

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Yeah it’s really sad that the anti Quel’dorei people are so toxic.

Big claim. Your lot flag like it’s going out of fashion. I don’t accuse people of things I have literally (yes, literally literally) no evidence of them doing.

I don’t think it’s because of flags, I think it’s mods closing it because it’s always when it reaches boiling point of people being nasty to each other. But if I did I wouldn’t accuse people of something without a reason beyond wild assumptions.

15 percent

On a side note my phone ac’d percent into pervert. I’m glad I caught that one.