What do we want? High Elves!

It went to “locked” multiple times before it was 404’d Mowchassa. Let’s include all the information here, shall we?

If you anti Quel’dorei people would just leave the mega thread alone 98% Quel’dorei comments would be in there.

I remember it being locked multiple times, but saying “being bombed into non-existence” is incorrect, dishonest spreading of misinformation made to shift the blame into someone else.


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I agree, now to just figure out how to convince the people who say dissenters should shut up to change their tunes and how to convince blatant trolls (and by that I do not mean people with a different opinion, I mean trolls) on both sides to stop.

Easy, right? :wink:


The primer thread shouldn’t have been closed, Idk who was doing the flagging, very possible it’s just the GD forum goers. Just like the mega, it’s probably just the GD forum goers. I have nothing but anecdotal evidence to go by for that though.

I didn’t say you didn’t. I pointed out that you were significantly more diplomatic with your own side than with ours which amounted to “what the hell antis I know it was you yer ma would be ashamed”.


Fine; “being flag bombed to locked status, multiple times before finally being 404’d”

Does that address the pedantry sufficiently?


If you people would stop closing the Quel’dorei mega thread it would all be in there, with a few outliers. Instead you people constantly attack and close the mega thread.

The fact that you think only anti-helfers who post in here are flagging the thread is cute.

If anything, anyone who posts in here is doing so that if a dev reads the thread they’ll see as many reasons against High Elves as for.

Believe it or not, there are a lot of people who are tired of seeing High Elf threads that don’t post in them but flag them the minute they see them.


Dude, I dont flag anyone because its pointless in an online thread to flag people for disagreeing with me. Like how it is outside the computer.


Didn’t took long to find an example.

I rest my case.

Nothing (or very little) will unfortunately change this, I think it’s because people see that nay-sayers are personally attacking their ideas/interests/ideals, hard to see the mood through a computer screen. I also see that some people take it personally the other way though, as the request for High elves is a personal insult to their well being.


What don’t you understand?

Look it too me 23 seconds to find one of you people being a jerk.

“Calling it now, if you give In to these whiners”

From the Pandora’s box thread.

Pandora Box thread is bait.

It’s possible he doesn’t understand how, absent any proof whatsoever, you lay the blame for the megathread being locked down repeatedly solely at the feet of people opposing playable High Elves for the Alliance.

This position assumes that no High Elf supporter ever flags posts in opposition to the request, and if that’s where you’re going I suggest that your core assumption is flawed.

You people constantly attack and flagb the Quel’dorei mega thread. Is it not closed right now?

So it’s the people who want Quel’dorei flagging and closing their thread?