What do we want? High Elves!

What are you talking about because this makes no sense to me.

My apologies. Wish the people who were closing it saw the benefit of keeping it open

You mentioned earlier that it looks bad for the Pro Helfers to constantly create new threads (I am against that, the issue needs to cool off.) why does it not look bad when Anti High elf groups create threads to oppose them? Or post in the other high elf threads to keep it going? It seems just a bad to me.

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I want high elves as well yes


Why is this okay?


I mean it does, it does work both ways…but at the same time; there really isnt a widespread amount of anti-helf threads after the primer got closed. Sure…one pops up again sometime, but its usually by someone who was never part of the debate to begin with.

On top of that, threads on customization that remotely mention eye color for blood elves gets talked to death of high elves.

A thread like the Primer worked for its time because…it reduced the toxic nature of the megathread by a margin; sure, people still came into argue and debate and whine…but it wasnt to the extent as it was before the Primer.

Same reason you guys post in those high elf threads to keep it going.


That’s funny, you’re a lot more direct when you’re telling the antis off despite not having any evidence that we did anything and with the knowledge that mods will shut down or lock threads if they feel the people in them are being toxic than yesterday when your lot openly admitted to flagging the Primer thread.


Freckles, just freckles.

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Its not, I literally said this:

Its also someone who isnt a focal face or has participated in the megathread before, so…why should we look bad for every dumb anti-helf thread?

I mean, didnt Drede and other helf posters say they shouldnt be blamed from the bad, baiting, and dumb helf threads? Its a two-way street, remember?

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My bad, I do think I’ll try and keep myself better contained to the mega. Sometimes it’s not worth the time on the these other threads for various reasons. :blush:

I’d rather see more variations for the core races tbh. But high elves are a plus for me :blush:

Thanks Bourbon :+1: :tumbler_glass:

Its a bait thread to begin with since a lot of what the poster shows off…are ideas that Horde and Alliance players thought of for ARs that are semi-popular (not tier one, but tier two or three).

It just pops off because it says “High elf” and its negative.

High Elf fans using a different thread to post when their main thread is locked by flagging: SPAM!

Someone making a thread to troll High Elfers and calling them whiners: Legit thread, not spam, not trolling.

looks up

I guess we are trying to start fights this early.

Wasn’t directing at you.

A few days ago other posters were saying that every High Elf thread is a spam thread while defending threads made to troll High Elf fans.

Very bad timing then.

Some of them are, some of them arent. You can say the same thing about opposition threads too.

To be fair here - there are several people supporting High Elves who have very specifically stated they want no opposition voiced in the megathread, that they’ll ignore those voices, and that people opposed should be silent.

That rightly moves to “Ok, then it’s reasonable to have a thread dedicated to an opposing viewpoint.” which was followed by the Primer thread being flag bombed to locked status, multiple times before finally being 404’d.

It can’t be both, my friend; either both viewpoints are welcome in the megathread (and civility should be the word of the day for both camps) or arguments against High Elves belong in a thread that is left alone by High Elf supporters.


I told people not to flag the primer thread, if you missed it. I don’t condone flagging and celebrating the shutdown of customization request threads either, I was supportive of them

I mean I’m a helfer, sometimes my bias shows, but I like to think I’m fairly neutral from time to time

You can’t bomb a thread into non-existence, you can keep it locked, but not outright 404 it, that requires the hand of a mod.

It’s more than time for stop spreading misinformation.

I actually don’t think people believe on this, but since they have to blame someone for it, they do it on the High Elf people.

That’s all fine, and there are many antis that I really like discussing issues with, free, open and civil discourse is totally fine and I am on board with that. Not on board with either side trollin eachother, but in todays pop culture trolling is unfortunately encouraged.

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Did someone lock the megathread again?