What do we want? High Elves!

Wanting to be an elf can make one blue as well. Oh, woe and weal.

Certainly not a glitch. But I am cheered that as one exile thread closes another rises to the fore. Silence is the enemy of desire and endeavor.

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Yeah another thread would obviously take itā€™s place, so itā€™s not like locking the mega thread actually does anything

People should just save their flags for threads that deserve to be looked at by the mods


ā€œstop spamming high elf threads. Seriously stop talking about them. Here we are going to flag your thread and get it closed down so stop talking about themā€

'Why are you making MORE high elf threads!?!?!?"

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Another day of the megathread being banned.

Another instant blamining of antis.

And you guys wonder why some of the antis dont act civil to you folks anymore lol


Wouldnā€™t say itā€™s the fault of all antiā€™s specifically. I find it more likely that itā€™s being closed by a non collective group of people that are just tired of seeing multiple High Elf threads

ā€¦But it doesnā€™t help the case of the antiā€™s when there are screenshots of their discord server in which people are complaining that the mega thread is still open. I donā€™t believe coordinated attacks are happening, but I see why some people do

Itā€™s useless in the end though. As one closes, another one will rise


Inb4 you try to worm your way out of that dude

No there isnt. The only time we mention the thread being open, is when we are surprised the flag-happy people havent locked their own threadā€¦again.

(Which we dont know is true, or if threads are locked based upon amount of flags).

This somes off as a lie.

Yea, so why would the antis close the containment thread when we have supported the megathread being a thing since it reduced spam?

Use your head.


Heh, r34 content aint resources.

I agree, which is why you donā€™t see me blaming the antiā€™s as a whole. Iā€™d like the mega thread to contain talk of High Elves, too. Iā€™m just saying that Iā€™ve seen screenshots that have shown that kind of behavior from a few individuals

Not sure what Iā€™d need to worm my way out of though. Iā€™m pretty friendly with everyone here despite their stance on High Elves

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Itā€™s not incompatible, you just want it to be.

BS dude.

And there has been numerous screenshots of people in the high elf discord targetting posts, flag-bombing posts, harassing, etc.

But do I believe every single one of them does that: no, but I also dont use general language to act like you guys do either.

Sorry, I dont buy it anymore.


I cited that Blizzard took every step around making this similar to LOTR. This has nothing to do with what I want.

I hope you know that I donā€™t even need to quote that, most people just read what youā€™re replying to if you were hoping that theyā€™d only read the small quote you selected and ignore the rest of my argument.

Hmm, fair point. Iā€™ll edit my post, that was not how I meant for that to sound. I meant to imply that I like quite a few people from the anti crowd, and would like to think that they donā€™t flag our threads

But to be fair you left out the part where I speculate that it may just be a glitch

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Cus most of the anti Quelā€™dorei crowd are jerks

Heres the thing about that: ususally when someone puts something in parenthesis when someone accuses Xā€¦it usually highlights that the idea is an aside or not important to the rest of the statement.

Thats how it comes off.

If the anti-helf crowd are jerks, than the pro-helf crowd which has had history of flag targeting, harassment, doxxing, policing other discords, etcā€¦must be worse.

But hey, rose tint is very nice around autumn.


Then Iā€™m more than willing to eat crow and admit my fault. Didnā€™t mean to come off that way

I really do not understand why it needs to be such a contentious issue. Both sides have their black sheep, but it does get out of hand. Thing that bothers me most is when they often compare the group as a whole as petulant childrenā€¦ we have a few bad ones out there yes, but the whole group is generally fine


I mean the Helf discord has like what, 400+ members now? Iā€™d say only about 15-20 people are consistently active there, and theyā€™re not all bad from what Iā€™ve seen. Then again, Iā€™m not often there

Iā€™ve never been to the anti discord (not sure where to get an invite), I donā€™t really know what people are like there generally

Yet, one side gets theres lumped in cosntantly and glossed over as the whole crowd a majority of times.

I dont buy the black sheep argument only when its used as a defense when the same is puished back on the pro side.

The whole group gets the treatment since the whole helf debate clogged the forums two years ago, so a lot of people treat it as whiney and reactionary.

Hence why when not too long ago, when the megathread got silenced and a bunch of people made their own helf threads , to where people like Drede did help try to rein it in, you saw a number of posters who never set forth in a helf argument call you guys whiny.

Im also going by what happened months to years ago. I say a history, not currently.

A tad annoyed now, because we got blamed again for supposedly closing your megathread even though its counterproductive to us as well.

I am definitely in favor of keeping it contained and I really hate posting in the threads beyond thatā€¦ always finding myself doing it though.

How good does it look on the antis to find them just as post crazy within the external threads? Works both ways.