What do we want? High Elves!

I don’t know, i don’t think Blizzard should give into it. I think it sets a bad precedent.

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Honestly I saw this one coming the second we had custom modeled night elf undead being raised and a Night Elf sylvanas expy raised for no other reason then pettiness and sadism, aka arthas and his raising of sylvanas. It looks like the forsaken might be getting a bit more noble and losing that dark side they had, and I imagine this race would essentially be storywise the dark forsaken in vanilla except they want to kill sylvanas instead of arthas. I believe this is the exchange we will be getting for the alliance getting blue eyed blood elves.

Either that or they will join the alliance and the horde get the high elf customization which…would be hilarious but disastrous.

With the other two threads locked, let’s use this one!


oh cool. ty licynia. :hearts:

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Ohh has anyone seen Jenalla’s War3 Reforged Model?? The Braids!! Saw her on twitter but didn’t save the link; love that she’s also wearing something close to Alleria’s armor :smiley:


who what where?

Can’t wait to play a Quel’dorei. It’s gonna be so cool.


Jenalla Deemspring; a High Elf Ranger that appears on the first TFT Undead Scenario in War3.

They are giving all the named characters unique models, and she has the huge twin braids hehe


not sufficient. we want that elven goodness to be alliance playable on world of warcraft, not just a reforged char. :sunglasses:


Well lol, I’m sure will any day now :rofl:

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Blizzard has taken every action to make it so that High Elves aren’t a backbone of Alliance forces and still be associates of the Alliance in order to keep Warcraft from becoming too similar with tolkien or generic fantasy. Meaning, you should be grateful they’re not ALL Blood Elves, only most of them are.

So will they sacrifice that so 90% of these people play a high elf to max level and dust them for their main? I find it unlikely.

I like soda, if I drink too much I become unhealthy. If I stop drinking soda, it doesn’t mean I don’t like soda, it just means I’m not willing to wreck my body for a time of enjoyment. Same with the health of the game.

So with the above example, don’t get me wrong, I like High Elves, I think it would be cool if people could play as them, but it’s incompatible unless they somehow changed skin color. cough


Yeah, for some reason Blizzard added three versions of Dark Elves:

Corrupted/Evil Dark Elves = Void Elves;
Wood/Wild Dark Elves = Night Elves;
Majestic/Magic Dark Elves = Nightborne;

Also, leave alone the large annoying amount of races with blue skin in the game…

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me too. haha


i’m blue too.

apparently, blue is the only color you can be if youre an elf .


Well, I’m blue as well, but that’s because I hate Blood Elves and the Nightborne female is the more aesthetic pleasing female of the Horde right now for me.

Also, luckily, the cyan skin matches perfectly the mog I’m using right now.

But if I were still playing Alliance, I would choose either Human or a purple female Night Elf.

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you look marvellous, too! but why do we only get blue as an elf option for anything other than belfs? you’d think if it was that iconic to have human skin tones for elves, itd be iconic to have blue skin tone on elves. but nope. only one of those is rigorously guarded, lest we break the iconic feel of blood elves. everybody and their uncle can be blue though.


I’ve no idea.

We have five races that make use of Human skin tones, but only two of them looks “kinda” good.
I think fair-skin tones are probably only allowed when the race in question looks bad/ugly.


i’m orange. da ba dee dabba da-ee. hehe
(just the fx from the staff)

By all that is holy, please let us have our mega thread. Y’all in the anti camp are better than this (assuming flagging is what locked the thread and it isn’t some kind of glitch)