What do we want? High Elves!

I thought this one was like locked forever?

That’s the only truth about it. Blood Elves changed in many ways since they become Sin’dorei and are still changing. Even Ion acknowledged they’re not the same, he clearly explains that Blood Elves in his perspective fill the role of High Elves in all the ways needed but he also points out some of their differences.

But people still refuse to acknowledge those differences, because they don’t have any better argument than: “Blood Elves = High Elves”.

For instance, 0 and 0,000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 are extremely close but they’re not equals, regardless if you like it or not.

Blood Elves and High Elves are probably the closest elven people in the game, but they’re not equals, period.


Darn it. I just made 2 High Elf Threads for nothing.


Bwahaha, funny bro.

She referred to herself as a void elf in the text when you first roll a velf and talk to her. I also think she referred to herself as one in the Durotar quests that the Alliance had before the Saurfang/Sylvanas cinematic played.

If draining a Dark Naaru doesn’t pack you full of void energy, then what does?

(Though there is a semantics case to be made on whether ‘full of void’ anything is an oxymoron, but such is life.)



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Ralph Bakshi did the first LoTR Movie, and it was awesome.

…Also there are such things as a book. Archaic to today’s crowd I suppose, but usually far superior.

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This is gonna end well.


There’s something in statistics that we call statistical significance. Being less than a trillionth different is not statistically significant.

Ergo, there is no differences between the two races. Helfers are still nursing wounds from TBC and are mad that they’ll never get to play their fair-skinned, “attractive”, and cliche elves on the Alliance.

They could play Horde for their elf fix, but green eyes aren’t pure enough, and they hate looking at the proud orc, the noble tauren, the adaptive troll, and the crafty goblin.


Honestly at this point just put them in the game and be done with it. It’ll give me another allied race to level (with more sweet transmog) and shut down all the constant threads and arguments. I’m sick of hearing about it.

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You Blood Elf and Void Elf Priests look alike today with the Dark Hoods.

What is this? A Group of Twilight Cultist invading the Forums or something?

What a wonderful idea.

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It most certainly is…

We have 3 versions of dark elves. 1 version of high elves.

“high elves are SOOO cliche”

The reaching is strong.

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We have one version of dark elves, two versions of high elves, one version of wood elves and a partridge in a pear tree.


Yes the wood elves. Who worship the moon. and can turn invisible in the dark. And have a matriarchal society. That’s definitely not dark elf/drow culture.

also the High Born. Matriarch. Very lavish. Entirely dark skinned with a desire to use magic and isolate themselves from the rest of the world while they make deals with dark entities…

Nightborne and Night Elves are both dark elf archtypes. Funny enough Void Elves are closer to High Elves that got hit with a whammy curse.

We DON’T have a Wood Elf archtype though. Which is what ironically enough, High Elves would bring to the table. Being their most famous representatives are all hunters and rangers.

You’re right, I forgot about the night elves being a slavery based society and all their court culture and intrigue.

Their skin colour or the gender of their leader doesn’t qualify a race as dark elves. By that metric Warhammer Fantasy dark elves aren’t dark elves and imo they’re just as hashtag iconic as the drow.

Never mind the fact that we don’t play as the Nightborne faction that were insular or made deals with the Legion.

They’re absolutely not.

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On the one hand we have way too many elves already And i’d like new allied races to branch out a bit more.

On the other hand I’m so tired of this argument that i really wouldn’t care if the high elves became playable so long as the horde get another kaldorei elf to make it even. And since the kaldorei dark rangers are set up with the story let’s have one last elf exchange and move on to better allied races like ogres and jinyu.