What do we want? High Elves!

The back and forth, and the long wait for High Elves just make this race even more interesting.

I would play one for sure, regardless of their final shape just because this whole situation makes them even more attractive.

Everything that’s harder to get becomes more enjoyable and desirable.


Yes, and you can play them. But hey, the playable ones are known as Blood Elves now. I don’t think Blizzard is going to make the same mistake with the High Elves as they did with the Pandaren.

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No, the killing of the Quel’dorei at Theramore, Rhonin dieing, Silver Coveant hating the horde, We are not playing Quel’dorei if on the Horde Side you would be a Sin’dorei. Because the Sin’dorei set back and watch all this happen.



What part of “The Blood Elves are High Elves” do you not understand?

The “Blood”, the “Elves”, the “are”, the “High”, or the “Elves”?

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Politically they are different.

Which only proves my point that you don’t need gigantic physical changes to represent a difference in a population.

And Blizzard can just make them up whenever.

Blizzard doesn’t use real numbers.

Darkspear are literally almost extinct in their racial description but we see them everywhere.

Draenei population was listed in the Hundreds in Rise of the Horde and Lightforged are an even smaller population being derived from that.

Mag’har are just a bum rush to a portal and I’ve killed literal Hundreds of them for World Quest.

But the idea that more than 10-20% of the Blood Elves where using Void and where exiled, wandering around in the Woods before becoming Void Elves is a stretch. Especially when Blizzard literally called them “An Elite Crack Squad.”


Its the “Are”, because that’s incorrect.

Blood Elves were High Elves.


Polical differences doesn’t make them different enough to be nutrual playable across both factions like the Pandarens.

Blood Elves are still High Elves. Just because they changed there name doesn’t mean they have changed there race.

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Thats Opinion, My Opinion is & Apparently the game sides with, they are different enough, or they wouldn’t be recognized as different factions and named differently.


They wouldn’t be neutral. Blood elves would be horde, high elves would be alliance. Nothing would change about the belf start experience. High elves would likely be an AR and have a place they start at and then go to stormwind to get quests.


Especially with all the Bad Blood Between Quel’dorei and Horde Sin’dorei.


aye. and the reality is whether high elves are playable or not they are on the alliance already.


I never understand why people think that two groups who are already politically divided would suddenly be neutral if both sides could play their version.

They wouldn’t start out as neutral and then pick sides like pandaren, they’d have a side already. What would be neutral about them?

Having a similar model doesn’t make the nightborne and night elves neutral, neither do their origins. Void elves were blood elves and now are alliance, did they make blood elves suddenly neutral by joining the alliance?

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Well I didn’t see any Kintor at the last battle nor any marching orders from the Kintor for the Silver Covenant, Yet there are Quel’dorei glaives and Veressa was there soooo who knows. Were they because of the Alliance, we differently know they wouldn’t have been there for the Horde. Or was it another hey Alliance look Quel’dorei, but dont touch by the devs.

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what bad blood? present actual facts with fanfictions. until such time as you do that, they are just that, fanfiction. during legion the farstriders and the SC were working as one the entire time. in the 3 sisters prequel comic to BFA vereesa expresses desire for her people to be reunited. alleria the same, even visiting her homeland to make her argument before getting exiled. all signs point to no bad blood just an irrelevant political opinion in the age of ‘breaking the cycle’

Trolls/ undead Killing Highvale, sure the Sin’dorei would have know this since it happened before Theramore, Rhonin Being killed by the Horde, Veressa’s husband, Theramore Bombing, Quel’dorei Fighting alongside the Alliance in the 7th legion. Heck if your a Quel’dorei the Horde is bad for your health.


Not all Farstriders are Blood Elves, some are High Elves. There is even one of their lodges in Loch Modan.

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theres a reason no one talks about that one. theres literally a single ‘high’ elf there

There is actually a cool story behind her, should check it out sometime, also the building and flight point was considered Quel’dorei.

yea and it actually was a full fledged farstrider lodge at one point. but the farstriders no longer have the numbers to maintain a presence that far south. its comforting to know hal has vereesa at his beck and call if things get desperate