What do we need to add to Bel’ameth?

I hope the ship has a wisp on the prow.

I really loved that detail on the night elf ships that docked at Rut’theran. I love seeing the druids here, and I like the little mystical societal touches like them and the wisps aiding in seafaring.


Haven’t seen that on horde toons outside war mode and even then in war mode they used to focus whoever attacked first (entering Bel’ameth should just forcibly drop you out of war mode imo)

My very hot take is that neutral races should not have pvp flags for guards on either side anywhere outside war mode (eventually this should also be extended to all races).

Also cross faction RP in Amirdrassil > neutral race mains doing the weird faction hypernationalist stuff

It really bakes my cookies that draenei had first contact with night elves, but there’s zero presence of draenei on Bel’ameth. Just as well, it annoyed me that not a single drae was around for Darkshore.


If you mean because my Warlock is a Pandaren I just like their casting animations and I refuse to be a Night Elf Warlock. I couldn’t give a toss that Pandaren are a “neutral” race. It’s a Night Elf city village place. Horde should be kos.

Sorry all cities are getting neutraled

First contact for the draenei, maybe, but the Night Elves have been dealing with Eredar for millennia.

Actually not necessarily. Look first contact with the draenei was either with the crew of Admiral Odesyus who interacted with the draenei first. Or it could be the night elves as per chronicles. But Rise of the Horde says it was Jaina who sent her forces first to investigate and get them into the Alliance(possibly Admiral Osdesyus and crew being it).

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In the 10.2.7, Kaldorei leaders change:



The ship to Gilneas receive a little update:



“Previously, the boat was named Rut’theran’s Remembrance - a reference to Rut’theran Village at the base of Teldrassil, which acted as a port for the city of Darnassus. It has now been renamed to The Moonlit Rose.”

And of course need to not forget:

Tyrande has promised that one day, when life blooms again on Teldrassil, the kaldorei will rebuild Darnassus as well.:


So Bel’ameth isn’t sure to be the new capital for the Night Elves but we don’t know for now. But I still hope Bel’ameth will continue to receive new updates in the future.


Garden gnomes.

Y’know, just to mess with the actual gnomes who show up.


“Is this some kind of joke to you?”

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How can they rebuild on Teldrassil? When we last saw it, it was a cracked and smoldering trunk.

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Not me saying that only Tyrande so I assume Bliz still have some projects for Teldrassil. If not why says this.

Tyrande does mention to Shandris that one day Teldrassil will bloom again. Seems it takes extradionary measures to permentaly destroy a World Tree

That’s romantic wish talk, not something that will ever come to pass… at least not within the player’s or game’s lifetime. She’s an elf who’s ruled for over 10,000 years remember…they think LONG term.

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Think of that as a poetic shorthand for “whenever the development team finally does a full scale revamp of Kalimdor some time in the 2030’s, We will redo the island.”

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To me that sounded like a load of crap being fed to teary-eyed nelf fans who are never pleased. They promised them everything, just not when that will be given.

I think people should focus on the new city. At least they were invovled in building it and that’s more than they ever done with that stupid pink tree in Darkshore.

As to this thread. Yeah, a temple to Elune would be required but not some crappy carving. Go check out the Elune section in the Tomb of Sargares, that’s how it should look like.

Especially with Blizzard yet to get over their retcon addiction. :laughing:

Dang, is this really what you night elf fans do all day? A lot of work just for firewood if you ask me.

I think it would be neat to add a Chimaera Roost. Now that I think about it, I don’t know if we’ve ever had one in WoW.