What do we need to add to Bel’ameth?

You’re right! It’s almost as rare as ducks.

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Bel’ameth have finally its first Worgen. :dracthyr_yay_animated:

Silvia, Adella, and Tambre, the first worgen to join the Sentinels from the Cataclysm era Feralas quests.




Admiral Nightwind appeared in Gilneas, transporting worgen players to Rut’theran Village.


I hope Bel’ameth will get more new updates in the future. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


No monk npc yet?

How about a moonwell that works, that’d be cool.

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They at least added a portal from SW to there.

No Moonwell has had the RTS-era properties in WoW. So that’s not gonna happen.

Huh. There must be one or two devs who keep plugging away at Bel’ameth in their spare time or something, as it keeps getting tiny tweaks.

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Really? Moonwells have played important roles in a few WoW quests.

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The addition of worgens is a good sign, developers clearly haven’t forgotten about this zone for which I’m very grateful to them. :dracthyr_love_animated:

What surprised me is that all of them belong to the Army of the black moon which we only saw in warfront.

After retaking Darkshore, they scattered around Kalimdor, but I thought they would be disband at the end of the 4th war. What is her goal now? New Amirdrassil military force? Maybe they didn’t agree to peace with the Horde?

I’m kinda sad we did’t see them in Gilneas Reclamation

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We got more npc’s.


I noticed the Paladin night elf, I forgot her name now, has like an effect on her forehead, a black circle spiralling with a blue glow, I dont recall seeing that before.

oh, you mean Delas Moonfang, the legion paladin who was much maligned for developing the opinion those humans knew more about the light than the sisterhood.

She appears to of changed her tune, yeah.

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And Varian told me we would turn Theramore into an Alliance garrison again which would be infinitely easier to do then regrow the tree. Like, at worse these are pretty wishes of our faction leaders that are nice to hear but unlikely to ever happen ingame.

Moonwells cleanse Felcloth in game, but not in the new area. Feels like an oversight. Faux Wells at the moment. Look like a moon well, but functionally different.

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