What do we need to add to Bel’ameth?

This one doesn’t really matter. Just have someone port me to Stormwind and I can take a portal directly to it.

They aren’t making new capital cities period. They’re not going to do any massive work on Gilneas for that matter, either. Undercity is just a matter of reopening it and getting rid of the Blight. And your right. Teldrassil won’t get regrown during the course of the game… but that can be excused as Elves thinking long term.

Mentioning Teldrassil is the worst thing they could have done. When it finally seemed like they would put an end to this terrible saga of Teldrassil thanks to Bel’ameth. Blizzard said - Nope. This terrible story will last another number of years. Instead of actually trying to turn Amidrassil into a real home for the elves after almost 2 years, we ended up with a small village. Most NE players won’t forget these words, so the issue of the NE capital will probably stay with us a few more years.

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I’d imagine even if most did want to move on, the vocal minority wouldn’t let them.

Not an attack, just felt it needed to be pointed out, because it doesn’t seem to matter if 99.99999% are ready to move on the few remaining can’t seem to stop dragging the rest into the argument and making blanket statements about how the whole group must feel, and using those group statements to justify their actions in a circular loop.


I visited Gilneas and even here there is a bank

Bel’ameth needs one and it needs many other elements too to be a proper capital city (take a look here :dracthyr_yay_animated:)

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If they hadn’t you or the othermembers of the NEPA brigade would be repeating the “They’re sweeping Teldrassil under the rug” mantra.

You’re still getting a lot more than Mag’har, Vulpera, or Gnome players of either vintage are likely to get.

You didn’t just get a village you got an island with a port several outlying forts and a portal system that’s only beaten by Stormwind’s. Amirdrassil is more connected to night elven realms than Teldrassil ever was. Not even Ironforge has a direct portal to Stormwind Gilneas doesnt even have a mage portal spell that will take you there… the closest is the Ancient Dalaran teleport… (bring a parachute!)

You don’t get to speak for anyone but yourself, although I do expect other members of the Brigade to chime in. But the idea that you lot speak for “the majority of NE players” is nothing more than a mix of delusion and egotism on your parts.

They can load Amirdrassil up to the wazoo in features. It will still be just as deserted next expansion as Darnassus was for almost the entirety of it’s existence. (Like the Exodar is now.)

When they do an update pass on the warfront zones I really hope they fix Auberdine to be a real city; Darnassus was nice but narratively vanilla to cata spends so much time hammering that it was A Monument To Fandral’s Hubris that just flat out resetting it would seem weird even after two expansions of making it out to be the most important place in the kaldorei empire

Like yes it’s a pretty city and I still mostly run nelf toons through Darnassus instead of ER out of sheer nostalgia (I can navigate the furbolg caves blindfolded), but also the plot beats prior to that insanity were what they were.

Also for Bel’ameth I just hope they eventually relent and make sure every capital and major settlement has the full load of services so players stop being funneled to Stormwind/Org/Expansion Hubs for fashion and banks (maybe not every zone’s main settlements but like say enough that you’re never more than one zone away from one)


This should be an achievement itself. Nearly two decades, and I still struggle with that dang barrow den.

You have earned my respect.

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You’re funneled there because those are also the gateways between expansions.

No really I had no idea

I would definitely love to see a Temple of Elune in Bel’ameth. Definitely needs more faerie dragons, owls and cats. I mean it’s relatively new now and people are still moving in. Eventually it will be awesome to use Bel’ameth as a starting area for lvl 1 Night Elves and do away with old Darnasus and Teldrassil completely.


That option is called Exile’s Reach. We’re pretty much done with night elf development for the next few expacs.

So many good ideas, here. But I think you put a lot more thought on this than Blizzard has.


Why? They offered little to no help when their closest friendly neighbours had their home burned

Cordressa’s gut clenched. Anduin Wrynn had visited Darnassus a few months ago. He, Malfurion, and Tyrande had discussed this exact scenario. The night elves and the draenei were the only Alliance bastions on the continent who could offer a swift counter to a Horde incursion into Silithus, and the draenei’s resources had been depleted during the war against the Legion.

Anduin winced. “First Theramore, now Darnassus. They’ll have all of Kalimdor, except for Azuremyst. And mark my words, we’ll be evacuating draenei soon.” The draenei were hardly in a position to assist the beleaguered night elves, though some brave souls had traveled to do so. Once Darnassus fell, the hungry Horde would doubtless turn their attention to Azuremyst.

The draenei are one of the main reason Sargeras and the Legion were defeated. It wasn’t in a position to help the night elves but it did try.

It’s a good news because it means Bel’ameth will certainly receive more updates. Gilneas is a good choice for the Eastern Kindgoms, I hope we could get something for Kalimdor too :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:






Guards that kill Horde players on sight.


Remove the sanctuary status too. I could use a good fight

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Jaina’s head on a pike.

There are NPCs that attack Horde players who get in their box.

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