What do we need to add to Bel’ameth?

It’s larger, it’s glowing, it’s got a city with lots of surrounding forest land, and unlike most other world trees it’s neither corrupt, nor full of monters, or dead.

What more than you want?

Legs to walk over to Kalimdor. Because even if they want to restore the island under Teldrassil, a giant tree pumping life energy (idk WHY blizz hasn’t mentioned this, but that’s the actual function of world trees…) into the lands around there would probably speed it up exponentially.

You know, because that totally wasn’t just a 'we’re sorry we messed up" band-aid line of dialogue.

It’s not larger than Teldrassil. Not that size indicates power. All of them are actually glowing, even a depowered Nordrassil is if you go fly to it, canonical art of Teldrassil has it glowing even in BfA. Bel’ameth is called a village even in the cinematics, Darnassus was exponentially larger and had multiple villages inside of it, expressly more than we see in-game, while Nordrassil was never actually intended as a house. Corruption resistance is external for most trees, the monsters moved in with the corruption, and Amirdrassil is way too small and new for monsters to actually live in it. And realistically only two of them have actually died. Three if we count G’hanir buuuut that’s a in-universe source calling it one with no explanation so arguably the word of mouth of third person lore is still valid saying it’s not and Nordrassil was first.


Not really… it’s true the Sun shines over the Moon but the Moon in exchange bathes us with a soft light that doesn’t hurt or burn.
THAT would have been a better approach when thinking about Amirdrassil ambience. A nice purple/blue sky with the actual Moon projecting its light over the zone. You know? the Moon Night Elves worship.
At least allow the zone to cycle so we can have day and night but to have it be day all the time is the latest joke.

Honestly, when the idea of a new night elf capital was being floated around before we knew about Amirdrassil so many night elf players were like “Teldrassil wasn’t even important to the night elves, not like Hyjal was”.

But now that the night elves have a new home, one that is one of the most gorgeous zones in the entire game, all you guys seem to be focusing on is BUT TELDRASSIL, WE WANT TELDRASSIL. You didn’t before, why now? Cmon guys.

Teldrassil has a complicated history.

First it was like. Fandral going "Hey Mal, we need a proper home now that you gave away Nighthaven and let those half bulls tramp up the place. Let’s build a really big tree and get our immortality back while we’re at it!

And Malfurion says “Hold on dude, you’re asking way too much! No way, Nelsay.”

So Fandral slips him a mickey and goes to his Druid friends. Let’'s go raise our Tree, Mal’s not going say a a thing!"

So Fandral’s Cenarians say “Cool! l we’re raising a tree go get those Dragons to plug in our immortailty back!”

But the Dragons say to Fandral, that’s way too selfish, we won’t bless your tree and we’re still peeved on how you broke that sceptre key a while back.

And Fandral goes hey! that was a thousand years ago! If that’s the 'tude you’re going to take yu might as well all burn!"

That’s why we Night Elves came up with the term… tree opera.


I don’t want Teldrassil. I think people who want Teldrassil back are aesthetic fans of the race and zones but not fans of the story or narrative surrounding them. Teldrassil wasn’t a good thing. But blizzard themselves now also says that Tyrande plans to rebuild it. I’d reject it outright, and acknowledge what the last few xpacs havent. That if you go back to the in-game story and the books, that Teldrassil was a symbol of arrogance and a desire not to change and adapt, isolating themselves form a changing world, forgetting their bonds to it, which people like Malfurion were so avidly against, that they had to poison him to get him out of the picture to get it done. Do not call me a hypocrite for reacting to what was said in-game today, that’s dishonest and rude lmao.

I think people who read deeper into NE lore generally understand that it’s not the good future of the Kaldorei, it had all the same issues as Amirdrassil. The end of the long vigil was supposed to be about moving forward into the world, still protecting what they valued, but growing in a changing world as mortals again, possibly into an even greater people living closer to the cycle of life and death again. NE lore did not paint Teldrassil as a blanket good thing. It was actually a nuanced source of division and discussion about their future as a people with branching beliefs about their reactions to the circumstances.

I don’t want either of these, the solution was ALWAYS Kalimdor.


Despite it’s questionable beginnings and motivations, Teldrassil and the city and towns it contained were still a home. It became something culturally much larger than being merely Fandral’s pet project.

Still I wouldn’t take it as a sign that we’ll ever see Teldrassil in game. Tyrande is an elf after all, and she may very well be thinking centuries down the line, she may not even be thinking of it as something that she or her generation will live to see.

Yeah, and everything that it -was- can be found again on Kalimdor in greater bulk because Teldrassil existed only like 11 years.

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It depends on the place, is not perma day, even with yellow lights you have a sky full of stars. But I also flew to a place that has that classical teldrassil purple sky, I even took a screenshot, and the tree region has a deep blue with some yellow and green rays.

I just don’t understand the need of making this zone like that. I get they used the Emerald Dream layout but anyone with common sense would have figured out a better fit for Night Elves would involve a Night sky and a Moon.
As I’ve said many times before, I’m not against the day but only when I’m being robbed of my Night time.

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The place is practically where the White Moon’s World(and at the center the Blue Moon’s possible World Ardenweald) intersects with Azeroth’s World.

The Emerald Dream(being Elune’s Realm) is the White Moon itself just as Ardenweald is likely the Blue Moon.

Where does the White Moon get it’s White Light? The Flowers clearly as I see no other source of White Light as all other Light is just Golden Rays shining down on the place.

It is very possible that this is a future retcon. But if we’re going off consistency, no, it’s an actual adjacent space, because it seems to have veils of consciousness between itself and reality that Xavius could rend when he was invading, and why even entities like Tree-Xavius were reflected in it. There’s no basis that it is not the moon when we look at prior lore lmao Elune isn’t out here pulling the Lunar Lorkhan yet.

I don’t think the color scheme represents the day, is just emerald dream colors.

I think it is a design decision to show how this tree is connected to the emerald dream and Ardenweald, this is a more magical place, not a regular one.


Then a way better solution would be to use the light blue/green sky during the day and the purple one for the night.
It might not represent “day” but it sure looks like it.
Go fly through Onh’arah during night and watch its amazing night sky and then step to Amirdrassil and say good bye to that.
Or what’s even funnier, go stand at the Terrance of the Moon and enjoy your “not at all day sky”.

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So shouldn’t they be putting the 'big new NE place" somewhere else so that it doesn’t conflict with the nocturnal aesthetic that the lore gave their much older homeland.


I don’t see it as daylight, it doesnt look like daylight to me, and most areas have an ambiance similar to what Darnassus had, perharps more blue.

The only more nocturnal place i can think of would be BFA darkshore, but that was a darker tone, the exception in a sense.

But thats just how I feel about this.


Just fly during night from Onh’arah to Amirdrassil and you will see how a true night should be represented.
It may not be “Daylight” but we are being denied a proper night for a race that thrives in the dark.
Heck… the only thing missing is the Sun there to make it even brighter.

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Do any of the Moonwells work? I havent found one that can cleanse Felcloth.

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It’s not going to be the racial capital that Darnassus was. It won’t even get dedicated teleport and portal spells. It’s just a bookend for the Night Elf Saga and come next expansion… it will be completely irrelevant.

They can add some of the elements listed here. I mean it takes a short time to make them (except for the temple of elune and the revamp of Darkshore and Ashenvale).

Adding Dryads, more owls, more faerie dragons, some Draenei and Worgen (ambassadors and npcs), an auction house, a bank, a barbershop, a druid / hunter /mage / warrior / monk trainers, an owl trainer, guild services, some more Night Elf structures in Bel’ameth and Amirdrassil, an active ship that goes to Kalimdor and Stormwind (at least they can add one with one npc saying this ship will travel between Bel’ameth and Stormwind and add another Night Elf ship in the port of Stormwind), a purple skybox in Amirdrassil should be “easy” to make. Some few elements to make their new capital a better capital

I mean many of these elements are just npcs to add with 3 or 4 Night Elf structures, an active ship that goes to Stormwind for now and a purple skybox in Amirdrassil

I don’t see them to rebuild Teldrassil and Darnassus as Tyrande said it in the cinematic, I think it’s only said to “appease” players and they won’t rebuild it.

Nigth Elves need to get a decent capital city because I’m pretty sure they won’t make a new capital city in Kalimdor for the Night Elves (even if they are Hyjal) but I hope I’m wrong. So Bel’ameth will become their new capital city and it need to be something great like Darnassus was. No need to make something like Darnassus but many elements are still needed to make a decent capital for them and not this little village.