What do we need to add to Bel’ameth?

It still looks weird. The rest of the roots don’t produce such glow. We see a similar light on the treetop where the glow comes from cracks in the bark and branches of Ardenweald.

We don’t have anything like that under the tree. They could easily shown this by giving the branch where Aviana sitting similar blue veins, but they didn’t. That’s why it seems suspicious to me.

Sadly that wasn’t enough Moonlitght to counter all that greenish brightness from the rest of Amirdrassil.
If only they had used Ardenweald ambience which was a better fit for Night Elves.

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Bel’ameth needs more cats. Lots and lots of them.


Isn’t it because it was infused with waters from the temple of Elune?


The water under the tree glows cause it was turned into a giant moonwell. All moonwell’s glow in that same manner

Also kinda funny when you think about it, we got another world tree that now has a huge ‘well’ under it.


the glow from the well was added after Tyrande blessing. These pillars of light apparently have their source from above. They are very similar to the lighting we saw in Wellspring of Life.

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Humorously, one must remember that conservation of energy can be circumvented in Warcraft provided that you dissolve the energy in an aqueous solution.

  • Well of Eternity? Infinite font of energy.
  • The Sunwell? Infinite font of energy, despite being made from one vial of WoE water.
  • The well at Hyjal? Infinite font of energy, made from three WoE vials.
  • Bel’ameth moonwell? Made from one vial of blessed water.

There is precedent from the entirety of Bel’ameth’s glow being from that one pitcher of water Tyrande poured in. You can infinitely multiply fonts of energy with water, it’s magic!

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Considering that the power of the later wells was not as strong, I don’t think it’s an infinite pool of energy.
One world tree was enough to contain the power of the Hyjal well, while Bel’ameth really only has a large moonwell, not an actual magical font of power. Bel’ameth was also “blessed by Elune” so what you see could be a portion of her power from the tree.

As for the Sunwell, who can say? The elves have a connection to it that lasts across Azeroth, but it is possible (and I think mentioned) that it also taps into the ley lines on Azeroth, so doesn’t really do the feeding itself, but taps into another infinite power and converts it into a form usable by the elves.

I think in Bel’ameth’s case. The moonwell at the bottom of it is just a Moonwell, they are powerful, but nout a source like the well of eternity or the sunwell.

On the other hand, Amirdrassil is no ordinary World tree, and I think this tree itself carries a lot of power, considering the power used to make it was making Tyrande more powerful than the lich King a expansion ago.

Also, on things to add to bel’ameth, not a thing, but someone was added in the PTR.

Malfurion is back.


Then I’m gonna have to borrow some vials and start splashing its waters on the sky to try to make it change so it can glow purple with moonlight and not that annoying green.

All the souls that fill it.


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Maybe this is gonna be a hot take, but shouldn’t Amirdrassil (at least on paper) seems more powerful than the other wells/trees?

Amirdrassil was created from the combined Powers of Elune and Winter Queen/Emerald Dream/diluted water from the well of eternity (so a mix of Life/Death, and a small amount of Arcane). Let’s not forget a huge connection to Azeroth itself. We can already see how world soul used it to bless the Aspects. Before tree growth she never do anythink like that.

I’ll put my little theory here. I believe Elune seed started awaken Azeroth. At the beginning of Dragonflight, the isles awakened at a time when the tree was almost ready to manifest on Azeroth. Azeroth visions began to appear after the world tree blossom. Azeroth has been going through a difficult time in recent years, the only relatively positive thing that has happened to it is the trees of the world. As Amidrassil grew in power, so did Azeroth starts to free from her coma.

But these souls are now flying everywhere around Bel’ameth not in one place, even before there were no cracks in this place for the light of souls to come from inside the tree

And our brand new Sun Island comes with Tyrande stepping down from her leadership position :man_facepalming:t2:

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shes taking a break not fully stepping down

Most likely because they’re long extinct.

Seems like shes focusing on Bel’ameth while Shandris looks to Kalimdor. Not sure.

I wonder if she’ll still be High Priestess.

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The whole thing is the tree…to support a tree that size it’s roots really have to spread a lot wider than the visible crown.

Bel’ameth might be my favorite spot in the game. So beautiful, the sky mixing greens and blues and purples in some places, all the little buildings.

All that is missing really is a monk npc. Though there are some sentinels training unarmed.

Also, liked the scene a bit too much.


Fun Fact: The Emerald Dream is supposed to be Elune’s Realm mirroring the Winter Queen’s Realm so the sky is the sky of the Moon itself.

The rays of Sun that shine down on the Emerald Dream are the same rays that shine down upon the Moon at all times.

The White Flowers of the Emerald Dream shine with the White Light of the Moon…

Amirdrassil is the part of Azeroth closest to the Moon itself.