What do we need to add to Bel’ameth?

  • Some warden towers for the wardens, instead of the traditional night elf tower.

  • Much more wisps from Teldrassil, considering how many NPCs were there: Lady Sathrah, Priestess Amara Nightwalker, Mathrengyl Bearwalker, Nessa Shadowsong, Corithas Moonrage, Tenaron Stormgrip, Cordressa Briarbow

  • A chimaera roost with chimaeras being trained + Hippogryph roost

  • Glaive throwers and small regiments positioned along the shores like in Feathermoon

  • More spirits of the wild, like the great cat spirit and great bear spirit for druid training.

  • Aszuna officially allying because of the potential of Amirdrassil breaking them from the curse of death being at the junction of both. Embassy from Aszuna with now living night elves, engaging with the Shen’dralar.


There are some in game.

In the original Peak of serenity you have some masters that aren’t pandaren, a High elf, a Tauren, a Gnome. In the monk order hall you have some as well, there is a Night elf there, a dwarf voiced by the man who voices lorthemar.

In BFA there is a raid fight that has a monk, two different versions of that raid depending of your faction, two different monks there. A maghar orc and a Draenei.


There was an unnamed Night Elf Monk who survived a fight against Saurfang in A Good War.

I had a few Night Elf Monk followers in my Garrison, too:

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While also not meaning much, the official artwork for the mistweaver spec in the spec selection tab is a night elf (and windwalker is an Orc). There is also a hearthstone art that features a monk with Yu’lon in the background.

Night elf monk is just a race class combination i like to see more (jeez, I wonder why).


Reassemble the Dragon Riders of Loreth’Aran between the Night Elves and the green dragons could be an interessing move for the Night Elves and Bel’ameth. :dracthyr_yay_animated:


It’s good that the Dragon Riders of Loreth’Aran were at least mentioned in Exploring Kalimdor, but unfortunate that they weren’t mentioned in the Dragon Codex.


I think they were also mentioned, albeit in a round about way, in the party conversation between Tyrande and Alexstraza.

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The great part about Night Elf monks is there is a clear and canon way to role play a NE monk with heavy Elunite themes.

ALL Priestess of Elune are required to learn a fairly deadly hand to hand martial art, in addition to a weapon of their choice.

This leaves a perfect slide in for a lot of Night Elf monks to be NPCs and you can theme them in a bunch of different ways.


It’s not like the town isn’t going to be instantly forgotten and deserted when the next expansion comes around.


we need to add sylvanas with a match mirite

And opposite, right now when it is the content that Blizzard is working on at the moment is when it will get the most attention.

And that’s the reason they need to change the skybox before it reaches live servers. Otherwise it will forever remain as a perpetual day and Moonless zone for the soon to be Day Elves.


I blame the fact that we’ve seen night elves in stormwind for five years that people forget that the kaldorei are nocturnal and do better at night. Its the quel/ren/sin’dorei that do better in the day.

Personally I’d rather add Amirdrassil to Kalimdor or Val’sharah. An unpopular opinion…otherwise it’s not somewhere I’m visiting in the future.

More like a perpetual green moonless starry night.

No actual Sun, no Moon… Just Stars in a Green Sky as Golden Rays appear out of nowhere to illuminate the ground.

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Night Elves do have a bonus that shifts from day to dusk… for gameplay and PVP balance it wan’t practical to have a race advantaged and disadvantaged in terms of both PVP and raiding.

Still eww
Maybe no Sun is there but the zone is still too bright and shiny with all those annoying sunbeams.
The zone is beautiful but we are no longer in the Emerald Dream.
If only the ambience inside Bel’ameth could be extended to the rest of Amirdrassil, the whole zone would really start to feel like a good replacement home for Night Elves.

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We have three big unused islands around Amirdrassil. They will be the best places for a new barracks for Dragon Riders of Loreth’Aran.

These isles are the first lines of defense of Bel’ameth and Emerlad garden from the sea side. Literally the perfect places to set up a military bases.

But one island is enough for this task. What do you think the other two will be used for? Or what would you like to see there?


Alliance Embassy or something in Bel’ameth with a Grand Temple of Elune, Trading District, and boat travel again.


This may sound a bit crazy, but anyone ever wondered where the blue glow over the pool of Bel’ameth comes from? We see streams of light coming from the roots of the tree, but there’s no indication that there is any proper source of this strange light.

What if we soon see a temple of Elune hanging from a tree like a stalactite? (Something like the dark elf castle/dungeon from Heroes M&M V)

The building’s blue stained glass windows would explained this beams of light. This would be a great entry into a real city inside a tree.


Reminder that the seed of the tree is a tear of elune.

The whole tree is filled with elune’s essence that was in Tyrande as night warrior + the Winter Queen power and Night elven souls.

Considering the moonwell is not under the sky, but under the tree, I think the tree is emitting moonlight.