What do we need to add to Bel’ameth?

Those are Sprites. Similiar to Spriggans, but not the same.


/10 characters

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Roasted cow.

On that note, It would be awesome if anytime a Horde player tries to light a campfire everyone aggroes them/one shots them.


I heavily agree with this sentiment, but for a more diverse aesthics reasoning other than your claim of luddism. The so called “outcasts” being relegated to what is little more than a tent-city like quarter of what should be the penultimate unification of all of Kaldorei society is a sin of untold proportions. Night Elven druidism being the baseline for the city’s layout and general aesthetics is fine and everything, but Kaldorei society has evolved past being generic “Wood Elves, but purple”

I understand that they most likely aren’t being given enough time to diversify the city into something other than the extremely prejudiced Emerald Dream druidic influences we’re now seeing within its layout and architecture, but as someone who generally likes the Night Elves as a whole but hates how laser-focused blizzard is with regards to the druidic aesthetic/influences it just feels incredibly boring to me.

Overall it feels as if Blizzard is regressing the Night Elves into becoming a bland wood elf copycat race while ignoring everything else about the Kaldorei that makes them unique as some form of tone-deaf apology towards the hardcore Night Elf fans.

Over time, there needs to be more additions sprinkled into the new Night Elf capital other than what’s currently on the PTR. There should be a Temple of Elune for the Priestesses, A Mage Tower and sprawling Library for the Highborne and arcane practitioners (as well as a working portal network similar to Stormwind), A prison complex for the Wardens, a warlock and Illidari coven, as well as something to reflect the Dark Rangers and Death Knights.


I created a similar thread and showed all my suggestions there:

But I will mention the most important things for me:

Of course better, more nocturnal light

Create proper city inside a tree. Heart of Amidrassil should become a central part of NE culture. Let’s build a temple around the heart. In the real world, entire temples are built dedicated to a single relic. There is perhaps nothing more precious to night elves than a seed given by their goddesses. Let’s place the main altar in front of heart and above let’s build a large statue of Haidene from which the moonwell water waters the heart so that it grows stronger. All in Suramar/Darnassus and Wellspring temple style.

Bel’ameth become important for Shamans, mages and hunters of Azeroth.

More dragons protecting area.

Portals to the city should be much larger and better defended from Kalimdor side.

Exactly that’s why Amirdrassil is a great explanation of why we still have contact with the shadowlands. Beings from outside cannot get to SL, but the tree is a gift from the land of the dead. The Ethernal one’s trusted us enough to give us a portion of their power. The tree itself was created by the goddesses of death. Part of his power comes from death and become most powerful source of death on planet next to ice crown. It is the voluntary choice of the gods of death to unite our planet with their realms. Connection to Emerald Dream already link tree to Ardenweald. Creatures from the Dream can easily walk among the roots of Amirdrassil, so the creatures from Ardenweald will surely find a way to reach it too.

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You had me at draenei ambassadors. The budding friendship between the Draenei and The Night Elves; their first real contact on Azeroth, was started and unfortunately ended in TBC with Star Song village.

Honestly, between the Worgen and the Draenei, the Night Elf " power bloc" within The Alliance should rival Stormwind.


Kinda hope Earthen actually end up buds with the Kalimdor side of the Alliance and the Tauren over on the Horde, seeing as they helped out during the War of the Ancients way back when.

No lie? I would genuinely love that. It’d be hysterical.

It would be so constantly tempting to find new and creative places to start basic campfires, just to see how many Night Elf NPCs I can get to rush at me.


It’s stukk the best looking Night Elf city ever. It’s a major upgrade over Darnassus.

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A statue to the person who made bel’ameth possible!
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner! She deserves a memorial in the heart of the city with the words “Burn it” :heart_eyes:

Ppl would go crazy over this for certain!!


So what you’re saying is that

Should be a memorial in Bel’ameth? I gotta admit, the reactions would be something to witness :stuck_out_tongue:


There is nothing more sweet than the cruel nectar madness in the air :heart_on_fire:

Blizzard would know no peace, some posters here would dream of this for the rest of their lives, they would vow vengeance for this sacrilege.


I mean, blizz can’t do anything right according to some people who play. So might as well anger these people even further :stuck_out_tongue:


Bel’ameth residents being over cautious over fire is now my headcanon.

And every Kaldoreis reaction is basically

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For real though, an actual memorial for those lost at Teldrassil doesn’t sound like the worst idea??


For me, Emerald Dream patch was one big firefighting training. I believe each citizen carries a small fire extinguisher. They are prepared more than ever (even Illidan would be impressed)


A actual memorial to those lost at Teldrassil would be fitting, all joking aside. A little reminder to everyone else what Amdrissal represnts to the Kaldorei


My honest down to earth wishes.

  • Legion esque warden towers.
  • Named night elf Monk NPCs.
  • Lots of stay a while and listen prompts.

Serious question, because I’m not certain. Are there any monk npcs out there that aren’t panda?