What do people think of centaur in DF?

I explained what I meant once already. You decided to lie about it. I told you to quote what you lied about and you still refuse. I don’t owe you a re-issue, the original explanation of my meaning stands.

Well. Can’t say I didn’t apologize or try to mend fences.

Time to move on

I can easily say your apology was obviously fake and half-hearted. It was an attempt to avoid definitively confirming what you did with “ifs.” Where there’s no admission there’s no apology.

You sure tried something. I told you an hour ago where you stand with me for it. We’ve been moving on.

You’re welcome to do whatever or think whatever you want.

I said I was sorry.

Anything beyond this is on you.

We’re done. Don’t engage or mention my name again. Much appreciated

Cry about it, Shasani.

Nobody’s crying but you bud

We’re done.

We never started.


I’m so confused right now, but thanks for the laugh :blush:

“I GAVE the fake apology and told you to stay mad, now speak and think well of me!”

Yeah, not how it works at all.

You thinking its fake doesn’t make it so

You refusing to confirm you even did anything to apologize for makes it fake.

Mate…I just forgave someone who for almost 2 years has spread a rumor about me in an attempt to isolate me from my friends and family for likes.
Lets maybe just dial it back a bit here, she said she was sorry, if you do not accept it then that’s that.


I’m sincerely sorry that that happened to you.

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i literally apologized buddy, nothing to confirm otherwise.

The balls in your court at this juncture. I got nothing else to say. You can either accept it or not.

Either way, we’re done.

Shasani, just read a post all the way through before you go “we get it you hate XYZ.” That’s all. It’s Sunday. Go in peace.

Its ok now, honestly I have come to find that most of the audience who did believe it was younger and unfortunately prone to accepting that kind of stuff. They will either learn or not, I had a few come to me after realizing this and apologize and I tell them the same thing:
Its in Human nature to follow the pack and sadly there are those who use this to manipulate others.

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This should not have to be my job, but…
…most of the last 100 posts in this thread have had little to do with centaur and just been femaledogness and drama. If you cannot manually prevent yourselves from sniping at each other than I strongly advise everyone involved to put the others on ‘Ignore’ so you can’t even see each other and get triggered.


The ignore button is underappreciated.

Some may think it’s a violation of forums bushido to do it, but it’s legitimately the best tool to deal with sealioning.


It was all so weirdly….twilight zoneish but both of you are right.