What do people think of centaur in DF?

At this point, I am just lost…

You started this Shasani. Doness was just foolish enough to follow your example. He did apologize, and more sincerely than you.

That makes two of us. I’m not even sure what he’s ranting about at this point

All I know is a person who made up a rumor about me that was debunked almost 2 years ago is I guess still posting and following me…
I am not even mad I am honestly just saddened (and a little weirded out) at that. While it’s been annoying, I wish you no ill will. Since I know you are reading this, the best advice I can give you is to move on. I could not imagine holding a grudge for more than a few weeks or so let alone years or maybe its more simple and its all for clout or lulz. In anycase while I don’t think we could ever be friends again after this and I would not wish to speak with you, I recommend moving on, its past over at this point.

And while you hurt me at the time with the things you made up about me, I probably hurt you when you were in a bad place and did not think to reach out when you just needed help, I wasn’t as patient as I am now. For that I am sorry.


Shasani says “Ruthus is evil,” I say no, Shasani says “Ruthus is evil!” I say “prove it.” Doness says “Ruthus is evil?” I say no, Doness says “my bad I was wrong just following what someone else said.”

Shasani says “my bad - I can’t prove it, so I COULD have taken you out of context, neener neener stay mad if that’s not good enough.”

You do realize that continuing to act unhinged is just making you look really sad right now right?

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How many times have I told you to stop talking to me?

Stop bringing my name up my guy and move on

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Stop bringing your name to my notifications.

Good thing I’m not?

You decided to continue whatever it is you think you’re accomplishing .

Ruthus if I may…this had nothing to do with what I was talking about.

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Keep borrowing Doness’ insult and calling me “sad” for not forgiving and forgetting your entire shtick.

Keep acting unhinged bud

It’s not helping you, because right now it’s only you still throwing a tantrum

Helping me? Please. I don’t need to show out for WoW forum clout like you. Just don’t lie about me anymore and you won’t get your name brought up.

It’s a video game forum. This really isn’t that important as people seem to think it is.

Nobody lied to you. I said its possible I took your comments out of context and if I did, I’m sorry for that

You’re the one who went on this bizarre rant of yours.

It was important enough for you to pretend I was just an evil exclusionist. You gonna tell me that was a joke?

My dude, she said she was sorry, why keep at this >.>


Honestly. At this point, I don’t even know what his issue is

She literally said “If I did it.” I forgive her like I forgive Simpson. But you’re right this conversation was over an hour ago, we’re just muckspreading at this point.

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I left it open for you to explain to me what you meant.

But you decided to go on a bizzarro rant instead