What do people think of centaur in DF?

Wake up see 96 replies to my thread how exciting people care about Centaur lore.

And its just Rufus complaining that he doesnt wanna see disabled people or strong women and justifying it with gaslighting. Cool thanks for ruining my thread.

You’re really not even worth it.

You ruined my thread by bringing a bad attitude and making it about one character when I was trying to discuss the history of the centaur on Azeroth. You knew what you were doing. You know how these topics end up on every thread in this forum. You didn’t have to do that but you did.

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Nobody here had to do anything. I answered a bunch of lies and passive aggressive evasion with 'go in peace " just for you to come back and try to crank it up. Talk about the centaur if you care, I’m not here to be lectured by you.

I mean you can justify it to yourself however you want so save your ego or whatever, it really doesnt matter. The end result is still that people have less fun and theres no way were gonna get back on topic now. Thats all. You should be able to see why people are frustrated with you instead of making it about your self-defense.

You aren’t remotely trying to rerail the thread, as others who didn’t even make it (nor casually try to slander me for no reason) have done. You’re trying to rile up a crowd to boo me. I don’t feel bad for you.


I mean not really, it’s actually pretty easy to get back on top of look I’ll do it right now:

How do you all think the relations would go of these Centaur and the old centaur?


I think the Maruukai Centaur could teach their Kalimdor cousins a few things. They might not get along right away but it’s possible over time

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You’re right I’m sorry for letting frustration get the better of me.

I think that as long as the K-Centaur don’t try to kill the M-Centaur they could probably have the most insightful discussions about the topic. I would hope they wouldn’t be racist toward each other and try to say one Centaur are the “real” ones. Maybe they could teach each other about their gods.


Aren’t they like distant cousins or something like that? I remember hearing something from a quest that they were from a Faraway land or something or maybe I’ll remembering incorrectly

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I think it’d be a pretty rough reunion. The Kalimdor centaur are closer to the Nokruud now that Cata had taken the one reasonable clan (Gelkis) and made them generic meatheads.


Very distant. Apparently the orignal Kalimdor centaur wiped themselves out through war or something and Zetar and his elemental girlfriend tried to recreate the DF centaur on Kalimdor. Or something along those lines

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Was it stated somewhere that they were inspired by the original centaur to recreate them

Its was a nice change, very relaxing
 However I personally were never invested in the Centaur Culture Lore, so I can’t really give a good valid option on the matter. (IMO)

I did find it a bit to slow since I was more into the whole Titan’s and Dragon Aspect lore

But my guess at that time was that Blizz Story team just wanted to show how Dragons showing up with The Incarnates has affected an a stablished 10,000 develop culture on the Dragon Islands?

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I think you need to take a Xanax to calm down or something. You rage like a guy on steroids for no reason.

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That made me chuckle :blush:

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This makes the third time someone who is not me has derailed the thread and tried to blame it on me. First Shasani, then the OP, and now you. Naturally the OP won’t complain about you doing it, even though it’s your only post here.

aww it’s okay Ruthus, here have some tea and a biscuit that should calm you down.

:cookie: :tea:


/spit Mithonic
/rude Mithonic
/fart Mithonic

You’re an ornery lil guy arn’t ya.