What do people think of centaur in DF?

I don’t really care what you consider normal, Zhiifang.

This type of crap from you and them is normal, Doness.

And I could not really care less about how you derail threads to have weird fights random internet person on an alt


Show me where it was derailed. We were talking about Centaur.

It was derailed when you brought up a days-old bit from a dead thread to try to reheat someone ELSE’S flailing attempt at this crybully routine.

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And the person who first insinuated this could only be a matter of bigotry and exclusion is gone now. So it’s all you, Doness.

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You know, I just looked back through this thread, and it seems you haven’t actually complained about the Centaur being deaf. That was on me for believing what another poster said.

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Ah i see, yall have fun with that

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No crap. Maybe they’ll admit it next.

Or maybe they’ll just lay low and play wholesome in the “Community Lounge” thread, the point safely unengaged.

Word of advice on this (probably something i said 1000 times) dont do this.

As a matter of fact, I think you were the one to give me this advice a long time ago. Honestly since then I’ve seen you kind of not follow it time and time again and get caught up in a lot of weird drama.


I’m pretty sure I’ve seen him compare this person he just tried to dogpile me with to a cult leader.

No, it was Aoibhetru who compared another poster to a cult leader. I have my own beef with this “cult,”


If you weren’t and I took it out context, then, sorry. It just looks like you were with how your comments were worded.

Based dissenter

Yeah whatever. “IF I was wrong then sorry, not that I’m gonna read back and put myself in a position to confirm it.”

I don’t want your fake apology. I said quote my complaint.

Out of curiosity (as if I don’t already know the answer) was this certain “cult” how you got the name Zhiifang?

No, the “cult” is just two posters on here. It’s the allegations on Twitter from, like, more than half a year ago. I’m sure you know what they are. I had zero clue that person was you until recently.

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Stay angry than bud. I’m not getting dragged into your drama

Don’t try this with me again. I’m sick of you. Lying coward.

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Okay. Stay angry then. Not sure what else to tell ya.

I admitted I could have taken it out of context. You want to continue to throw a pissy fit.’

Nothing I can do for ya at this point