What do people think of centaur in DF?

Might be me, but I found the Desolace centaur to be boring. They were nothing more than a Foreigner Bad trope that was used to justify killing them

At least the Maruukai have an actual culture that doesn’t revolve around bloodshed and violence for the sake of it.

I love ‘em

Yeah, burkas and shamanism and a connection to both the elemental lords and the Keepers doesn’t count as a culture, that’s just bad foreigners… Only service dogs and tumblr PSAs about not petting them count as culture.

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To be honest, I never knew about the “no petting service dogs on duty” thing since I’ve never had to interact with one before, so it was a learning moment for me.

It’s probably pathetic that I had to learn that through World of Warcraft, but I thought the message was fine.

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It was more than fine. It’s excellent that Blizz acknowledges that people with disabilities do play WoW and that being deaf shouldn’t stop you from living a full life

For some people, apparently having a deaf person be a leader and that her disability isn’t a hinderance to being a good leader is a big no no.


The message wasn’t even as effective as a GI Joe PSA about just not petting strange animals in general.

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Her disability would actually be a non-hindrance if she had some cool mystical compensation like the demon hunters for blindness. Blizzard made the choice to tell us she has to be on the lookout for ASL, which objectively is a hindrance. Basically the equivalent of making demon hunters read Braille.


We get it, you hate people with disablities being in game.


Has this ever worked for you even a single time?

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Centaur women don’t wear burkas. They wear niqabs, and bikinis. Or at least the old centaur did. It was a nasty caricature.


Everything in Warcraft is a caricature.

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Idk, I think Kul Tirans are great.

I’m not the one complaining about a deaf person being in game :person_shrugging:


“Caricature” and “great” aren’t mutually exclusive. Pretty much everything in Warcraft is a caricature of something, Kul Tirans included.

Neither am I. Your intellectually dishonest little mind games aren’t cute and don’t convince me you’re a good person.

If you portray the culture respectfully, then it’s not a caricature.

You’ve openly stated you don’t want feminists writing the story.

And you seem against anything “woke” for the sake of it.


Good thing they aren’t mind games and yes, you did complain about. Twice now

I said “necessarily,” and you also know that that statement was made in the context of a conversation with Renaustus about their idea of feminism. What are you driving at? Are you going to address my actual points here or keep hinting at character assassination?

Really? Quote my complaint.

It’s still a caricature even if you’re respectful. Words mean things.

I hate to break it to you but there’s no version of “we made you a mythical part animal race” that is actually a good representation of a real creed. Polygon lies to you.

We almost had a normal discussion about newer lore that didnt devolve into old lore or… what ever this is.

We were this close…

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