What do people think of centaur in DF?

The Ohn’ahran story seemed kinda blah to me anyway.

The Centaur were neat but nothing was that memorable outside of meeting the best boy, Taivan.

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Taivan, the hero we all need but don’t deserve.

He will forever be best boi in all the cosmos. :blush:


I liked the bad ones and the dogs the best.


Yeah, the green dragons being entirely irrelevant in their own zone, only showing up at the very end for like 5 quests was stupid. But my guess was they didn’t want to develop Miranda at all so they could bring Ysera back and then do some story with her then. Which is stupid, but this is blizzard.


I felt that being forced to take a phd on Centaur Society and Culture, and then prove my worth in that culture was a bit daft as I was only looking for passage in order to contact the Green dragon flight, and possibly avert a disaster.

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Im gonna be just completely honest, theyre not very good. On paper it seems great, but they just dont contribute almost anything.

Their renown gives no story quests, their story quests end in a dungeon, its obvious that they arent intended to be an allied race (most other races this expansion like Tuskarr, Gnolls, Drakonids, etc. look like they fit in with the other playable races, but the centaur just look slightly… off), AND i found their zone and their rep activities to be by far the most boring.

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I would. I don’t really understand the rationale for not connecting them.


I quite liked them. Of all the zones and quest lines in Dragonflight, they were definitely the plains made for the coziest and most relaxing experience for me.

Considering where they were going with all the Mongol inspiration, it really would have been cool to see them take that even further. Especially with the whole connection with eagles. Make falconry an integral part of the culture and give them big badass looking golden eagles. Or, considering they’re always mounted, lean into the pastoralist angle and give them an interesting and freaky herd animal to wrangle. And maybe because so many of them were wearing armor on their flanks, but their coloration was a little dull. Mostly browns and grays.

Not that they were terrible. Definitely the most interesting centaur we’ve seen in the franchise. Although admittedly, I haven’t been to Desolace since the Cataclysm changes to see how they are there now. They always felt like they existed larrgely as something to antagonize the Tauren and play up the whole Equines vs Bovines thing as a kind of gag. Along with Quillboar just making much of Kalimdor’s non-Elven population into a bunch of farm animal people.


They are cool, like em better now.

This is a bad thing? I thought this was awesome that we got to see this for what I am pretty sure is the first time ever. I am pretty sure this kind of representation made a lot of people very happy.
When you go to pet the dog they are not scolding you, they are teaching you which I don’t have a problem with.


(post deleted by author)

I’ll be honest that for all my complaints, the hearing impaired centaur was the least of my worries. And I don’t think she was robed of being a character because of that fact alone, because that would imply that any of the other khans had much of a character to begin with.

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I wish we could be centaur in WOW. I mean sure the gear would just be tops gloves and pauldrens but I’d take it. It would be cool to have an into where you leave the plains to explore the world.

It was a draknoid and no one there had any reason to expect a sneak magical assault.

To me a feel like Highmountain’s story worked because there was a twist. We lost the Bloodtotem to the Legion, but we gained a group of Drogbar that was rebelling against their own Leader. Showing that not everything is so black and white.


Not a fan.

They’re trying far too hard to tick as many boxes as possible with a race that spawned after Zaetar sprouted a World Tree around an obese anthropomorphic pile of rocks.

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Both homophobic and fatphobic too? And possibly misogynistic as well?


Even though Blizzard has said that the Centaur on the Dragon Isles have nothing to do with the Centaur that came about from that forbidden union. It’s just that they happen to look the same (somewhat) and have similar if not the same cultures… Just one leans the element of Air via a Bird wild god while the other leans towards Earth because of their mother.

Also yikes on the language you used. None of that here thanks.

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They HAVE to be older than the Kalimdor ones due to when the Islands were sealed off. Blizzard didn’t want to figure out how to connect them without retconning the Zaetar and Theredras story.

In Cataclysm, one of the Khans of a destroyed clan unites the two of the other tribes to kick the Legion servants out of Desolace and rule over a more peaceful union of clans… It’s a very simple story with some weaker cata-era questing. More interesting than the Centaur were in Vanilla at the very least.

That being said, the Horde Comic happens afterwards where the weird elementally infused “Big” centaur that were seemingly a new subrace shows up and takes over Desolace and has to be killed by the Horde Protagonists of the comic.
So, Desolace Centaur’s current status after that has been unknown for years.

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Also I loved how each of the Highmountain tribes had a distinct flavor, mainly revolving around the elements. I know the Maruuk have different clans, but I can’t really determine the art/aesthetic differences between them other than just what they describe in text.

Idk, it just feels like a wasted opportunity, like a lot of things in WoW. I’m also still wondering why some of them look kinda Orc/Gronn like.

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They suck!

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