What did you like about BFA?

TD? Do you mean the dungeon?

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Twilight devastation.

I really like the dungeons. With a couple exceptions, the trash/bosses have a good balance of difficulty and mechanics that are interesting but not impossible for newbies.

Except Siege of Boralus, throw that one in the dumpster.

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Zandalari, Zandalar, Atal’Dazar. Nazjatar after flying is okay.

That’s it.

The rest is trash to me mostly, especially Mechagon.

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That it is almost over.


I really, really liked the two new cities and their music, especially Zandalar and the track City of Gold.

I like Horrific Visions and hope that, along with Torghast, it leads to a system where I can solo endgame dungeons/raids, even if progress is slower than with other people. (Yes I’m aware that some dungeons are soloable, and have already done a bunch.)

I like the Unshackled Waveray. I’m not sure why. It has become like my 3rd favorite mount. I like the Unshackled race as well and kinda hope they become an allied race.

I like allied races, and though I unlocked every one, I like that the requirements for unlocking them are getting relaxed.

I like King Anduin, that he has seen Wrathion again, and I’m hoping what recently happened in Season 5 of <redacted for spoilers but here’s a hint it’s on Netflix> happens for Anduin and Wrathion. Don’t @ me about this unless it’s in support.

I like that one song about the alpacas.

I like that the final patch took us back to Pandaria and want more Pandaria involvement in future content.

I like the experience and rep perma-buffs.

I was going to list a bunch of dislikes, but that isn’t what this thread is supposed to be about.

EDIT - I like Corruption from a thematic standpoint. I wish that Corruption, its effects (both good and bad), and trinket effects didn’t apply in PvP, but Corruption is thematically cool and even fun at times to play around.

EDIT 2 - The long, looooooooong overdue AH revamp.


I honestly don’t know what that is, would you care to explain it to me?

I barely play BFA now, I quit in 8.2 over the essence system and have been trying hard to enjoy 8.3. A friend looted the BiS feral weapon from Maut and was going to trade it to me but it was bound because different spec, opened a ticket to transfer the item and they refused because “it was an upgrade” despite wanting to trade it.

The personal loot system seems rigged to prevent others from helping their friends get back into the game. I can only imagine it’s this way to prevent mythic raiders from funneling too much gear to their teammates but this late into an expansion serves only to hurt legitimate returning players.

I’m hoping they remove any time limit on Torghast and let people play at their own pace, it’s the whole reason why m+ is despised by the community. We’d like hard dungeons that can be completed at your own pace and not arbitrarily dictated by the dev’s how long a dungeon or encounter should take.

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BFA gave people stuff theyve been bing about since 5.2.MoP

it gave us a lot of “endgame” stuff do do that wasnt just daily quests, wrt corruption and mechangon stuff.

for WoD and Legion and even MoP you didn’t have much to strive for once you heroic raided, at least , esc with corruption, you have extra stuff to do.

i know everyone b1tches about how tedious it is but it prolonged your endgame. go read every thread back in mop and wod and see the 180


I hope we don’t have another extra layer of gearing in shadowlands, I can’t take these systems on top of systems approach blizzard went with in BFA. It literally killed the game for me personally.

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while I understand that, thats not what you and 90% of the topics and threads were saying for 5 years straight.

we arent ever getting the bc raid tier system back, this is the “next” best thing to that.

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The only thing I liked about BofA was the Brontosaurus & Bee mounts. Legion was 5000% better than BofA in every - single - way - possible.


Mechagon & Mechagnomes.

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For sure, because it was unique, being rewarded for doing any content for a shot at a legendary was nice, but doing it again with corrupted gear feels really bad because it’s no longer novel.

Is there more than a single bee mount? I haven’t bothered with any of the rep grinds added midway through the expansion, it feels bad to have to grind another random arbitrary rep that was only added as a time sink to extend monthly active users to keep playing once they’ve ran out of content to do.

Both the zone and dungeon were awesome, the jet packs in the zone were awesome and the dungeon was great to take at your own time and be rewarded for your time and effort.

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Best thing about BFA is that it will end.

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The actual zone stories were cool.

Just, the over-narrative was pants-on-head stupid.

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The open world content of 8.2.

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8.3 is a decent patch.

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BoD was a great raid, with Jaina as one of the best encounters ever made.

The only other things that really impressed me was art team as usual especially Boralas, its up there with Suramar.

Cinematic team knocked it out of the park up to final exp cinematic , got a feeling time , money , vision was a factor here it was not like them at all.

Stopped playing well over a year ago so anything else cant really comment on i logged in to do cloak quest and after a few visions, cba anymore.

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Drustvar. It was a cool leveling zone. Not in my top fav as there are much better older zones but still a great one that i wish i could pick to level as my only BFA one.


I used the plural in the sentence because I’m referencing two different mounts - the Brontosaurus AND Bee mounts. To my knowledge there is only one Bee mount (Honeyback Harvester) and its only useable by Alliance characters.


The reputation for the Bee mount wasn’t too bad; however, a lot of busy work for sure.

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