I can say without a doubt that the raid’s have been pretty good, with the exception of the first raid. The dungeons were pretty good with Kings rest and Mechagon being my personal favorites dungeons, mechagon prenerf was the awesome when it first came out.
It was neat to see the glyph system return but think they should have been account bound the entire time, but that’s just me. I also think the systems on top of systems on top of RNG on top of other systems was a bad idea. There’s too much damage or healing or defenses that were tied to passive abilities that you have no control over. Thankfully titanforging has been removed and only took five years to get rid of it
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I don’t know if I’d say all of the raids were good, but you’d be hard-pressed to get much criticism out of me for Battle of Dazar’alor, with the possible exception of the Frost Nova gauntlet and pre-Opulence stairs gauntlet, mostly because they were obnoxious and unfun, and didn’t actually teach you upcoming boss mechanics like trash is supposed to.
I didn’t much care for the two-boss raid at all, skipped the Azshara raid entirely, and think that Ny’alotha is lackluster from an artistic standpoint.
I also really like some of the dungeons, while others I’m not at all fond of. For example, I really liked Workshop and Shrine, but didn’t care for Siege of Boralus or Motherlode.
It almost feels like a much less experienced group of developers were engaged in systems design, while dungeon and raid encounter designers were at the top of their game for most of the expansion.
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Technically Allied Races are a BFA feature. That’s easily the best thing about BFA, even though the means of unlocking them were rather divisive.
Besides that, the wonderful improvement of the graphics like the sheer beauty of Tiragarde Sound is another strong point of BFA. I guess I wasn’t too keen on all of the new gameplay stuff this time around like most people here. Though I personally rank BFA above WOD. 
Mechagon is awesome! Most fun I’ve had on a patch in years.
Boralus itself. Great city, super fleshed out even though there’s very little gameplay reason to touch like 70% of it. The music in the area is fantastic too, not sure if that’s Tiragarde or Boralus specifically, but when the flutes kick in? Yeah, that’s right up my alley.
It would be perfect for RP if it wasn’t constantly sharded to hell and back.
If you haven’t taken the time to just walk around the city yet, do it. Especially the “Noble” district I forget the name of. That’s where most of the flavor is (but not all of it!).
That aside, BfA didn’t really offer anything -amazing- that I’ll remember when thinking about the expansion. It’s not nearly as BAD as some people want to make it out to be, but that doesn’t mean I think it’s -good- either.
There were some good things, but it felt like overall nothing was better for me than another expansion.
Probably my top things for this expansion would be blood trolls saying “Ghunn”, I just love the sound of it. Jaina is probably the best boss of this expansion. Mechagon was a pretty good dungeon. Nazjatar had interesting pvp events.
If I could enjoy it I’d think the same thing, every single time I’ve tried it was a slide show about 0.1 FPS.
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Yes for sure, I had the few laggish battles. But I had also decently fair battles. Mostly a matter of sharding and some people trying basicly at this point to make the servers lag by making multiple raids for it in the same shard.
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The Awakened Affix is amazing and should just be perma going forward maybe with different guardians each season or something.
Uh EP 7/8 bosses are really good but the final fight being a line of sight boss with an insanely boring first phase isn’t good. Could have chopped the first phase off the fight and it would be much better.
Otherwise honestly not much. It’s kind of hilarious to watch Corruption do over 30% of my damage I guess.
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I liked the general war campaign storyline; specifically the Saurfang stuff. I thought the islands were fun, and I really loved Warfronts. I wish they did more than just two Warfronts. I really enjoyed the Dazar’alor raid; first time in a very long time that I’ve had fun in a raid.
In general, I love the concept of Allied Races, although unlocking them is a bit of a pain.
I think that falls under bad game design, but that’s just me. I wish I had control over my damage.
Oh yeah for sure it’s more of a lol this dumb kind of laugh it’s not actually good but honestly outside raid design bfa hasn’t been that good imo.
Trust me, it definitely isn’t just you.
System on top of system that were tied to boring time-gated grinds.
I love to play the AH, got 4 toons on max and the cute dino mount. I like it!
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You left out how rep was artificially time gated into daily login rewards.
The Raids were pretty good
War mode had to have been one of the most fun systems I’ve ever participated in.
It’s certainly flawed, don’t get me wrong, BFA is a trainwreck.
However, despite it’s flaws I’ve literally had so much time sunk into camping Horde for hours and hours on end.
I think Blizzard did a good job attempting to balance something that’s essentially very finicky to balance in the first place.
Sure people complained about this system, but this is because you ended up getting PvE heroes enabling it for a bonus then swiftly dying afterwards. You could see this in the initial stages of warmode when the Horde dominated war mode because of the sheer number of raiders and pvers it had and suddenly when balancing came into play there was salt for days about actually being killed in war mode.