What day will you call in sick to work

Of course not.

So why would it happen now lol

Whether the servers are bogged down or there is some kind of issue, I suspect a big delay before I can get in game. Not sure why you’re nitpicking wording so much. :stuck_out_tongue:

Because it’s fearmongering.

Last 3 launches have been nearly flawless.

I will take a day in mid-December because of my birthday. I have never worked on my birthday.

Don’t have any other plans to tell them I am not working on a specific day for the rest of 2022.

It was one very small part of my own personal reply to my own time off, get a grip lol.

Things like that are why we get constant posts about “how long is the game going to be down for launch”, “when can we actually play, 3 days from launch”, etc, it gets frustrating when WoW launches are usually pretty good.

Well it doesn’t make sense to take off on Tuesday because of extended maintenance, and likely server issues til at least a few hours post launch. Makes most sense to take Wed off, but then again why would you? The game ain’t going anywhere and chances are most players will be complaining about the lack of content a month into DF. So take your time and enjoy

I think you need to calm down a bit. I get what you’re saying, though. I really hope it’s another smooth one!

I want to level and play around with a bunch of characters

I was sick on Thanksgiving. Does that count?

I’m actually sick right now. I would call in sick on Monday, but my colleague knows that a new WoW expansion is coming. So I will go to work on Monday, so everyone sees that I’m sick and then I’ll probably stay at home the rest of the week.


It will be a live launch with no outage just like normal most people will be on 30 mins before just like for wrath classic

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That has never happened. Launches are oftentimes a disaster. Shadowlands I remember was one of the rare ones that went ok. But even then there were still servers being overrun and people unable to play

Off from 12/2 - 1/2 :muscle:

I have had no issues with any of the launches they moved the patching earlier so all the content delays are already dealt with prelaunch.

Now they are just switching on NPCs at the appointed time

None i am retired.

Being an adult and that … I call in sick when I’m really sick.


Yeah I have bills, responsibilities and much more entertaining things to do with my vacation.



Unless I’m throwing up blood, literally can’t walk or get up, I’m going to work

I’m getting my overtime rate in