What class will your high elf be?

Yeah i’m going to have to side with Brae here.

Voidelves are fundamentally different, You are no longer what you were when you become entangled with Lovecraftian nonsense, Voidelves =/= highelf The only similarity is that they are elves.


Considering High Elves are all about power and magic addiction, becoming entangled with one of the most powerful magic sources in the universe is the most High Elf thing there is in the history of WoW.

Unlike those Blood Elf cowards, toying around with the Light. But we will make them see the truth(s)… don’t you worry about that.



You sound very mad we are getting high elves.

Here let me help you feel better

You can be wildhammer dwarves through skins/cosmetics

You can be grimtotem taurean through skin/cosmetics

You can be sandfury trolls through skin/cosmetics

High elves for both blood/void elves through skin/cosmetics


What class will your Keebler Elf be?

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This isn’t completely true, the players have no access to their war paintings.

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Technically a lot of cosmetics are missing. Like blood elf paladins at least when released were blood paladins I believe not actually human style paladins. Tauren are sun paladins or were, not human style paladins.

So sometimes just gotta go with what blizzard intended as far as cosmetics go is the point of comparing the paladin thing since blood/sun paladins would look very different


I mean when Danuser literally said Void Elf numbers are growing, yes.

Yeah, fortunately for me a lie repeated a thousand times does not become truth.


Silver Covenant Hunter, might make a rogue to for the leather High Elf Transmog like they wear at Windrunner’s Overlook in Crystalsong thicket to for sure, cant wait to sport that Silver Covenant Gear from Lich King though.


Oh, I need to farm up the SC Rep for my tabard. I am at honored, I should get back to it. Thanks for reminding me Valarian :heart:


Okay I’ll use your logic,

Demon Hunters aren’t Blood Elves then cause they’ve been transformed by Fel magic.

Liadrin isn’t a Blood Elf then cause she’s been transformed by the light.


Blood Elves aren’t High Elves because they had mutation over Fel Radiation. Sorry, thought to include one to there logic.


No worries, Yah the mounts are nice to, lovem


Until their helf entitlement pushes them to demand paladins, and Blizz does it.


Blood Elf Warriors aren’t Blood Elves because they’ve been transformed by their RAGEEEE

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My high elf will be partying in Valinor with the rest of the High Elves, Maiar, and Valar. Because that’s what High Elves do.

So bard, I guess…?


Finally someone answers the question lol

I’m prob stay with priest since makes most sense for HE. But I find mages more fun

Actually with the option to turn off the tentacles and new hair colors think the Ds would disagree though, think their goal to make everyone happy which is a good thing at this point.


Lol some false flagging trolls about to be banned

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I wouldn’t worry about the flags. Blizzard will restore the post, and we can continue on with our High Elf discussion on what we’ll be rolling :heart: