What class will your high elf be?

Blood Elves and Void Elves ARE High Elves, they just have different beliefs and politics


Going to make a Silver Covenant Mage, already have the whole transmog planned out. Can’t wait for 9.1.5.


Frost Mage. Holy Priest and I’ve got a survival hunter that’s very Paladin Cavaliery.

Somewhere in the game you have a conversation where you tell a High Elf that the Sunwell is restored and they say, “Oh? I guess that’s why the cravings haven’t been as bad.” or something along those lines.

And people in other threads said I was talking BS well look at this post it confirms what people said would happen.


Ifc you can post 
 just don’t say that you „don’t care „about the Void elves 
 If you don’t care - you don’t pop up your opinion in every thread about „Void elves“. When people don’t care- they are doing something else with their time .

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YOu will always be a void elf all of your powers will be void abilities . No matter how much lipstick you put on a pig , it’s still a pig


you really want a break from WoW uh?


I am allowed to have opinions on them. I don’t care for them and therefore won’t play one. It’s not that huge of a deal, is it?

And I have friends who play void elves, and I DO care about said friends getting options they want, especially to increase the void theme, even if it’s not my thing.

I just don’t plan to play one myself, and don’t consider them high elves either.


Yeah Void elves are high elves in the same sense Blood Elves are . But people want to remove what makes them unique and have them be a copy paste of BLood Elves.

They are not Alliance Dalaran High Elves or Silver Covenant High Elves and they will never be Paladins and they will never be renamed to High Elves .

So all of this stuff is just lipstick on a pig .

When I said Void Elves are High elves I was referring to Alliance getting what they asked for .
DOn’t like the way they gave it , well people should be used to getting everything they asked for being touched by the monkey paw.


I would appreciate it if you would stop talking to me.

I will tint the hair of my Huntress, and make it a readhead, then I will create a Scarlet Crusade transmog to celebrate the addition of red hair.



My Voids will stay voidy, but I may experiment with the shorter ears.

I’ll never give up my purple hair tho- I love purple!


Care to share what pieces you will be using? I’d love to see what Silver Covenant looks people will be sporting.

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What class will my High Elf be?

Ghanja class of course, what else.

You do talk about us a lot and you have been politely asked to stop spreading slanderous statements about the pro discord. Not all of us are like what you claim us to be. If you really have such an issue with us you can just put us all on ignore.


Was thinking the Stormwind set with the Proudmoore Cloak and the Sheep Artifact staff with the blue tint. Not sure on helm though.


i already have a bunch of High Elves. Paladin, Hunter, Warlock, Mage, Rogue, Demon Hunter, and Priest.

He’s a Blood Knight, silly!

You have Ren’dorei. High Elves joined the Horde. I don’t care what runaways say.

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druid, ofc