What class will your high elf be?

Guys we really need void elf paladins.





The post you responded to to say that didnā€™t have anything to do with people being upsetā€¦

It was about whether or not people would be satisfied with a few more hair options or if some would want more than thatā€¦

I said that some would be fine with a few hair options and others would not, as in, others would want more than that before their specific high elf request would be done.

Maybe donā€™t come into a conversation half way through and you wonā€™t get confused.

Either way, pixel elves and your desires for them are in no way, at all, anywhere close to the struggles, trials, and harm the LGBTQIA+ have to, and continue to, face.

Sorry not sorry but you insult us by comparing the two.

Pixel elves are far less important than peopleā€™s lives.


Wasnā€™t this thread about which class our High elves would be? Iā€™d like to talk a bit more about which class they could unlock for Void / High elves in the future.

Iā€™d really like to see Shaman, druid or Void themed paladin. I know some donā€™t like that idea, but a race as popular as Void elves deserves more than just 2 classes with healing specs.


The only classes I support, that also make canonical sense within the lore, are Void-based Paladins and standard Demon Hunters (although a 3rd, Void, spec for DH would be a great tie in as well).

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Yes it was a nice thread then. Just a bunch of excited folks trying to say what they were going to do with the new options.

Well thats counter to the thread. -_-

The only class added to Void Elves I could really see is Druidā€¦ and only if they do so very carefullyā€¦ The Nightmare is mostly gone now, and with Nā€™zothā€™s presence mostly destroyed it would be expected to abate. If Void Elves manage to somehow become druids who take care of the Nightmare parts of the Dream I could see them come to pass.

I donā€™t really see Shaman as viable simply because the Void and Elementals are often at odds on worlds and in Azerothā€™s case the Elemental Lords are particularly salty.

Demon Hunter will only be added to new races when its added to Everyone I think. Otherwise I donā€™t see Void Elves making any sense.

Paladin makes absolutely no sense to me. Seems more like a high elf concern that some folk try to attach to Void Elves. To make it work blizzard would need to add a whole new set of lore and spec to make a Void Paladin and Iā€™m not that interested in class reworks for a specific race. (Then again Iā€™d probably get my Paladin Forsaken that wayā€¦) Donā€™t get me wrong, I love paladins, I have 7 of them. I just donā€™t see it for void elves.

Iā€™d keep it Fel myself, but they do need a third spec. Something ranged I think would be amusing.

I donā€™t really care for them but I support any and all requests for more classes.

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From my perspective, Void Elves are in a unique case in which they can easily be given Demon Hunter access without the need for additional story. By this I mean, for other races (I donā€™t advocate it be given to all races for a multitude of reasons) that make sense to be Demon Hunters they would still need a reason to undergo the process. This would likely require the Legion returning.

As for Void Elves, based on the interview by Danuser implying the Void Elf group are growing in numbers through the inflow of High Elves and Blood Elves, it would be perfectly possibly that some of those Blood Elves joining were already Demon Hunters. Therefore, the Void Elf isnā€™t the one going through the Demon Hunter process but instead the Blood Elf Demon Hunter going through the Void Elf process.

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Personally I only really want to see it for Draenei and Orcs. Both were reasonably within Illidans reach when he created them.

Other races would only likely be trained with some major reason. Like a resurgence of the Legion or the Illidari deciding that something else was a big enough threat to warrant new recruits and dire enough to go outside their already accepted race restrictions.

I donā€™t really see anywhere near enough Demon Hunters choosing that to validate them becoming a class for void elves. I also donā€™t see it likely that any were with Umbric and his group during their exile as the Demon Hunters are not members of their respective species peoples but their own group, the Illidari.

It just seems very unlikely to me as a class they would be given.

(Thats not to say Iā€™m like saying you or anyone else shouldnā€™t request or want that mind. Just I donā€™t personally see it. )


Why the mean smiley? I didnā€™t try to tell you off, in fact I was not even responding to you. I was just generally writing in the thread. I feel that Void elves donā€™t have as many classes as their popularity could call for.

That sounds good. Weā€™ve made some incredible Void elf druid concepts.

It might be a good idea to give everyone the DH class.

Since Void elves have learnt to control the Void powers within, I think they would not allow the Void to extend its reach towards the elements if they were Shamans. They donā€™t infuse themselves with elemental magic, but simply summon it in order to wield it.

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Thats not a mean smiley its an exasperated one. Its not at you so much as the way the thread has gone. Sorry, no issues with you.

I think thats the most likely way weā€™ll get more DHā€™sā€¦ but its not my preferred. lol

Shaman magic works with the elements giving you the power. Taking it any other way is more or less what Dark Shaman do and theyā€™re not generally well liked. Certainly not by the elements.

And honestly Blizzard should stay away from enslavement for awhile I think. lol

Thatā€™s great to hear :smiley:

All Void elves would need to do is convince the elements they can be trusted with their power. They have control over the Void powers within them after all. If they had no control the Void would be trying to consume us all xD

Perhaps, though I think theyā€™d be extremely hard pressed to convince the Elementals they have control.

Speaking of that I do wish Blizzard would further expand on that particular danger for Void Elvesā€¦ Their constant struggle to hold themselves from succumbing to the whispers. Alleria indicates its a hard thing. But we donā€™t really get to see that.

A void class which could also be used by the Forsaken and maybe the Darkspear Trolls.

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I donā€™t think trolls would go to that side of the voodoo. But it could work for other edgy races like dark iron, worgen, nightborne and maybe magā€™har, I mean thatā€™s why they have priests after all.

I think a void class should be the psychic, one of the two archetypes we are missing alongside the tech guy.

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How would the Psychic look like? :astonished:

Likeā€¦like a person?

I think their abilities could be like sigma in OW. Floating, absorbing attacks, lifting big rocks and throwing them at people. ā€œMind readingā€ which allows you to dodge all attacks for 12 seconds and so on.

But they donā€™t have it under control, heck not even Alleria has it under control from what we saw at the Sunwell. It looked like the Void could use her a conduit at any given moment against her will.


Right, and the matter is it doesnā€™t matter if group x is ā€˜unsatisfiedā€™ if now group y has access to the same choices on how they want to live.

NOT sorry.