What class will your high elf be?

You clearly don’t actually know what I was talking about, cause yeah no duh. Like I said don’t pop into conversations halfway through, make assumptions, and then comment without context.

Not everyone is going to be done with some straighter longer hair styles. Some will want more. Which is what I was saying. Not negatively. Just that I didn’t want to claim that that alone was what “everyone” would be satisfied with.

You compared peoples desires for pixel elves to the struggles of the LGBTQIA+ community. you absolutely should be sorry.

I’m sad to see you’re not and instead doubling down because you made an assumption incorrectly to what I was saying.


Yeah, so you agree with me but your ego just gets in the way when you tunnel vision. Grow up.

This x 100.



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Explain to me how? I literally said that some people would be ok with a few extra hairstyles and others would want more… which is fine?

Just apologize for comparing pixel elves customizations to the struggles of the LGBTQIA+ community. Otherwise you’re the ego here. lol

Those things are not equal at all. Not even a little. People don’t get killed over customizations for Old Gods sake…


You might want to take off your shoelace blindfold and then scroll up and read what I actually wrote.

There you go.

Look if you want to be this way, I guess I wont stop you, but damn.

I’d sure never compare customizations to actual real life things. Much less the difficulties of the LGBTQIA+ community has to deal with.

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Talonel, you were trying to compare homophobes who were against LGBTQI+ rights, with anti-High Elf players, because according to you, both LGBT rights, and High Elves being added to the game don’t affect the people against those things. But, Fenelon is offended, because LGBT rights are more important than High Elves.


Damn I told you to take off your blindfold but you really just won’t listen

This guy is trying way too hard to get a reaction out of people. Just ignore him, he’s already made a fool of himself to the whole forum.


Yup. That’s his entire persona. He literally thinks it’s funny to use minorities as bait -.-


Kinda seems like hes just an irresponsible kid. Doesn’t realize that real world things are far more important than this silly game.

Gave him a chance, even knowing his reputation, he chose to double down on it and spout nonsense at the end.

His insults towards the LGBTQIA+ community are his and his alone.

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Except I’m talking about MY LIVED EXPERIENCES as a same gender loving man. I don’t care if a group of people is unsatisfied I get to live how I WANT. NOT sorry.

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On topic, I am actually extremely conflicted on what class I want to roll as come 9.1.5. My main has been a LFD Hpriest, and I also have a Void elf priest on that same server, but she’s level 50. I’ve been tempted to just level up my Velf priest, but I’m thinking of doing so come 9.2 when the new M+ season is out, and until then roll a DPS such as a mage, warrior, or warlock. I will likely be unable to maintain gearing all 3, so which one should I try to main? Inb4 I am quite competitive in DPS so I will ultimately want a DPS that is easy to deal dmg with, and is near the top of the charts.


Also the arguments in this thread :popcorn: :popcorn:


Not really sure whats good in pvp right now competitively, but I love dpsing as a Shadow Priest.

My mage meanwhile is an Arcane and I enjoy that quite a lot too.

Not sure really.

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I’m currently leveling Arcane! Good thing with mages is all 3 of their specs are quite fun and enjoyable so you can kind of roll whichever one is best at a time and still keep it interesting.

With Shadow I used to really love it but I sucked so bad in DPSing haha XD that was back in BFA thoo


Good lord, I just read the last like 20 replies of this thread and I wasn’t sure if I should post anything or run for the hills, I hope it gets better as I read further back.


The last 120 replies have been pretty bad lol :rofl:


Lol, thanks for the heads up.